Jun 04, 2007 00:42
"Good afternoon, my minions," Vala greeted everyone cheerfully from her customary spot atop the desk. "I'm glad to see you all back after last week's adventures. Last week, you escaped with your treasure, or without your treasure, depending on how things went. However, that doesn't always happen."
She leaned forward and confided, "Sometimes, you get caught. And occasionally even incarcerated, or held by the planetary authorities. This is when the real fun starts, because you have to be able to get yourself out of this situation--the problem is that often, you're locked in a small cell with no one but yourself and a guard for company."
"Then, the moment of truth...er, well, the person in charge shows up. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in that cell--which, trust me, you don't, they smell unbelievably strange, get very little daylight, and often have vermin--you need to be able to tell a convincing story, whether true or," she cleared her throat and looked extra-innocent, "augmented, that will get you out of there."
"Sooooo," Vala grinned at them and leaned back on her hands, "Today, I want you to talk your way out of trouble. Either pick a partner or try to convince me. Anything that gets the other person to believe you and let you out of your 'cell'," she made finger quotes and everything, "is good enough for me. Go to it, and remember to do your best!"
[ooc: OCD up in a sec! Let the lies begin!]
treasure hunting