May 23, 2007 10:09
The construction site has tools, belts, and hardhats today, just like before. It does not have a hot mountie.
It does have a sign in big block letters, saying
It also has an alternate color option for those who are tired of yellow hard hats.
Of course, the option is pink...
"Same deal as yesterday, folks," Xander says, having got the rundown from Fraser. "Move, stack, avoid the big yellow metal things with treads. Eat the tiny yellow spongy things with no treads - those are called twinkies. Don't build with them.
There's some drywall to hang in that section of the faculty offices that's mostly just crispy and not actually sploded. Yell if you need any help. Or if the big yellow metal things with treads start transforming into giant robots and firing laser pistols at you. I hate when that happens."
[OCD complete and certified open for use with proper safety gear!]