Spy Tech, Class Thirteen (04/11)

Apr 11, 2007 09:55

Wednesday, April 11, Period One

M stood in front of the class, looking especially stern. Once the entire class was assembled, she had Nadia and Marty hand out blue books, and projected the test questions up on the screen behind her desk.

"You have the entire period to complete the test. However, if you finish before the end of the period, you may either speak quietly to one another in the back of the room or you may leave early. Next week we will meet in the Danger Shop for a special exercise, one that I imagine you will all enjoy."

EXAM: Choose two of the following topics and write a brief essay for each.

1. Timepieces such as wrist- or pocketwatches have long been a staple of espionage work. Aside from the two examples shown in class (magnet and saw), describe one way in which a wristwatch or pocketwatch could be modified to create a specialty tool for an espionage agent.

2. Discuss the difficulties and hazards inherent in the use of disguise in the field of espionage. Be sure to address the specific problems a spy might encounter when pretending to be someone he is not.

3. Communications is vital to the field of espionage. Describe one commonplace, easily concealed, portable item that could be used to house a communications device. Keep in mind that the item must still continue to carry out its original function as well.

4. Although the best policy is never to unnecessarily engage the enemy, there are times when an espionage agent has to protect himself. Keeping in mind the three specialty firearms discussed in class, describe one additional way that a firearm could be modified to make it a) more concealable, b) easier to handle, c) more accurate or deadly, or d) useful in a non-traditional manner.

Bonus Question (required for all students): Why is it a bad idea to steal from, lie to, or try to trick your Spy Tech professor?

S. T. Anders (Class Eleven)
D'Anna Beirs (Class Eight)
Alex Krycek (Class Eight)
Eric Weiss (Class Eleven, Class Twelve)

[ooc: Please wait for OCD is up, you may begin.]

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