Wednesday, April 4, Period One
As announced in last week's class, the students assembled in the Danger Shop, which was set up to look like a cross between an engineering lab and a gun range.
"Today we'll be taking a look at three types of specialty firearms, and you'll all have the opportunity to try your hand at using them. But before the rest of you approach the firing range, I'll ask Santos and Blank to demonstrate the three weapons you'll be trying out. And don't worry, we won't be using any live ammunition and all the safety protocols are in place for the classroom. There's no danger of any injuries."
As Marty and Nadia demonstrated each item in turn, M explained each of three firearms laid out on a table in front of the class.
"The first item is called a
Sleeve Gun. This is one of the oldest specialty firearms employed in the espionage field. It was designed for an American agent, allowing him to conceal a small gun within in his sleeve. A release mechanism allows the weapon to slide out of the sheath and into the agent's hand.
"This second item is a
Piton Laser Gun. It serves two purposes, acting as a cutting laser and firing a grappling hook.
"Our third item is actually something we confiscated from a notorious criminal -- the
Golden Gun. Although it would seem that gold is an impractical material for firearm construction, the really interesting part of this gun is not that it's made of gold, but that it's made of five separate and highly concealable components: a ballpoint pen for the barrel, a cigarette lighter for the chamber, a cigarette case for the handle, a cuff link for the trigger, and a bullet that was actually concealed in the original owner's belt. The components can be assembled in just a few seconds, making this unusual gun a highly useful item."
CLASS EXERCISE: Once the demonstration and lecture was finished, each student was provided with the appropriate safety equipment and a replica of each type of firearm discussed. M watched carefully as everyone took their turns trying out the three guns.
ASSIGNMENT: "Next week there will be an exam on wristwatches, disguise, communications, and firearms. Kindly study."
"One final reminder: any student who maintains more than two unexcused absences will be assigned detention. I will need a written excuse from the following students for your absences not to be counted against your grade."
S. T. Anders (Class Eleven)
D'Anna Beirs (Class Eight)
Jim Ellison (Class Eight, Class Ten, Class Eleven) - assigned detention
Barbara Gordon (Class Seven, Class Eight, Class Nine, Class Ten, Class Eleven)
Alex Krycek (Class Eight)
Ranma Saotome (Class Eight, Class Nine, Class Ten, Class Eleven) - assigned detention
Eric Weiss (Class Eleven)
[ooc: As per usual with the Danger Shop protocols, there is no actual live ammunition and no chance of any student being injured, no matter how bad a shot they may be. Please wait for OCD is up, and class is in session. Posted early due to some AFKness tonight and in the morning.]
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