Superheroing- Wednesday, March 6- 2nd period

Mar 05, 2007 20:36

Once the class has settled in, Captain Liberty gives them all a smile and says, "Welcome back. Hope you all had a good break, because it's over now and you're not getting it back. Haha. Lucky for you guys we have a pretty easy class today." Though it's said in a way that might make the students question that statement.

"I've said before that a good portion of superheroing is trying to come off in a good light. You might think you're just doing your job, or doing the right thing, but there's more to it than that," she continues. "The things you do can be really public, and will attract attention. Reporters will write about your actions, kids might want to dress up as you for Halloween, and let's not even think of people trying to spin things weird during an election year." Pausing, remembering her background, she says, "Pretend I didn't say that. The fact of the matter is, a lot of people don't want to be saved by someone they think is a jerk.

"Now, for today's class, we're going to have you be interviewed by a real reporter. Your job is to put your best foot forward. It's just that easy," Captain Liberty smiles. "Now, I'd like you all to welcome someone a few of you might know, Rita Skeeter."

Once class is getting up to leave, Captain Liberty calls, and for homework, I just want you all to give me a paragraph or two on how your interview went, and how you'd handle it next time. Bye."

[OCD a'coming up!]


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