Hunting 101 - Class 2 (Wed period 7)

Jan 16, 2007 23:29

When students entered the Danger Shop they found themselves standing outside a large slightly rundown house. John was waiting for them, leaning comfortably against the side of an old impala. Beside him was a table, with the sign in sheet as well as another list of names paired up. It was also piled high with knapsacks.

"Welcome to our first practical class," John greeted them with a smile. "This is where we find out how well you apply what you've learned so far. Behind me is Elrod Manor. It's haunted by the ghost of a woman who was named Cassandra Elrod. She was killed by her husband Mark Elrod, who happened to be a serial killer. The legend goes that she found some rather grisly evidence of his activities and to keep her quiet he killed her and hid her body in the house.

"Since then her ghost has been seen countless times by many different people. They describe a very beautiful but sad woman who has appeared throughout the house but always disappeared at the end of the hallway on the second floor. There's also been an unusual number of accidents resulting in injury or death have occurred here. All of the victims have been married men. Those that have survived the attack describe a woman with features more horrific than beautiful."

He looked around at his students. "You're assignment is to lay her ghost to rest. Each of you will get one of this knapsacks that have everything in them that you should need to accomplish that. You'll work in pairs and each pair will go into the house in turn. As none of you are, to the best of my knowledge, married men, you should be relatively safe unless you antagonise her. My advice?" He smiled slightly. "Don't."

"Please pick up a knapsack and check the list to see who you are paired with and we'll get started."

When the students look inside the knapsacks they will find a flashlight, an EMF meter, an Infrared Thermal Scanner, a container of salt, lighter fluid and matches.

The list of pairings is as follows:

Jo Harvelle, Tannim Drake
M. Parker, Neil Parry
Isabel Evans, Dick Casablancas
Mealka Fray, Buffy Summers
Setsuna Sakurazaki, Liz Sherman
Blair Sandburg, Sokka
Chris Halliwell, Wyatt Halliwell
John Connor, Edward Elric and Luna Lovegood

When everyone had got their equipment and found their assigned partners. John grinned at them wolfishly. "So, who's first?"

[ooc: wait for ocd's are up! Have at it. :)]

hunting 101

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