Jan 09, 2007 11:29
Aly perched on top of her desk, watching her students enter the classroom with a bit of a smile. She nodded to those she knew before and smiled at the ones who looked like they were probably brand new. Once everyone was seated, she stood up and leaned against the desk.
"Good afternoon. Some of you know me already, but for those of you who don't, I'm Alianne of Pirate's Swoop. You all can call me Aly, but if you're uncomfortable with that, duani is also acceptable." She grinned. "First person to call me Miss Aly, I get to demonstrate on. This class is 'So You Say You Want a Revolution.' If you're not interested in revolutions or you thought you were taking Home Ec - that was first period. You missed it."
"During the term, we're going to talk about why formenting revolution can be a good thing. We're going to discuss what revolutions can be used for, how they can be put together, and why a failed revolution can be just as effective." She gazed at all of them with a slight smile. "And yes, I still hate theory so practicalities will be covered. Demolitions, weaponry, organisation, magic - or not, tactics." She grinned. "And my favourite, intelligence."
"Seven years ago, I helped organise a rebellion that put my Queen in power and have served as her Spymaster ever since. Almost everything I'm going to be teaching you is what I learned during the rebellion and in the years since. And if I didn't learn it there, it's something that was useful to me at the time." She paused thoughtfully, stroking her black beaded necklace. "In spying, your brain is almost everything - half of spying is half mental as I've said before. But a single person can't put together an effective revolution. But a single person can destroy one. And a failed rebellion feeds only the ravens and Stormwings. It's a dangerous game. And one you have to commit to fully if you're going to succeed."
"So today, I'd like to get to know those of you I don't know already, and I'd like to hear what you think about revolutions and rebellions. When are they appropriate, what would it take to rebel against the current power structure of your home country, society, or even this school." She smiled mischievously. "Zuko and Bridge are your TAs for this class. They'll help me with many of the aspects so if you have any questions and I'm not around, feel free to ask them."
[OOC: And OCD is coming up...]