Interstellar Relations, Monday, 5th Period

Dec 11, 2006 15:02

Laura was dressed casually , a cup of coffee from The Perk in one hand as she stood at the front of the classroom. She smiled at her students as they entered and took their seats.

"Okay, the past couple of weeks, we've been exploring how various systems interact with faced with similar stimuli. I hope you've found it interesting, if not entertaining. Maybe next time, we'll toss a dictatorship into the mix and see what happens." A smirk twitched across her lips as she mentioned this because her mun knows exactly how unpredictible it is to have an Iranian cell in the National Security Decision Making Game.

"Today," she continued, "I'm going to take a page from Professor Harrington's book, and we're going to first answer any remaining questions you have, and then you're going to get out of here and consider it a 'reading day.' Now... who has questions?"

With any questions answered, the class was dismissed a bit early.

[OCD threads coming up.]

interstellar relations

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