Ethics [Thursday, October 5, 6th period]

Oct 05, 2006 09:41

As usual, Vader stomped into the classroom exactly on time and slammed the door behind him.

The door was looking like it had seen better days.

"There was a rebel who was captured recently," Vader began, "who possessed knowledge about where the headquarters of her wrong-headed and illegal organization was hiding. After extensive interrogation--which is next week's lesson and not this one--it was decided that extreme measures must be taken to get her to reveal her information."

Vader paused, the only sound in the room his ventilation unit.

"So we destroyed her home planet from space."

Vader paced in front of his desk, his black cape sweeping out behind him. "Today's question is not 'was that excessive' because I don't care, but how far would you go in order to get what you want. This is different from the question earlier this semester. I do not want your emotions to play a part in your calculations. This isn't to save someone you love. This is to do your job, to salvage your pride, to make sure others know you being absolutely serious."


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