The Best Medicine: Humor Class #4 6th Period [9/26]

Sep 26, 2006 09:54

This afternoon there was a platter of cheese, fruit and what looked to be homemade bread, along with tea set out for the students. Wilson was leaning against the front of the desk, looking through some transparencies and nibbling on a piece of cheese.

As soon as everyone was settled, he finished up his bit of cheese and chased it down with some tea before starting to lecture.

“Good afternoon. Would the following students please see me after class to explain their absence last week. Pippi Longstocking, Agnes Nitt, Skif.”

Setting his grade book aside, Wilson grinned. “The rest of you will be glad to know that you all scored 100 on your first pop quiz. Good work."

Pushing away from the desk, Wilson dimmed the lights and lowered the white screen.


"Now, today we’re going to be going over the material I had you read for homework last week, so if you could please, pull out your text books, we’ll get started.”

So began the lecture part of the class, which was perhaps a little heavier than a lot of what they had been doing up to this point as they delved into some of the theories behind the definition of humor and how the differing psychologies applied to each definition. At the end of the lecture, he came back to lean against his desk, pouring himself a fresh cup of tea and taking a sip before asking.

Class Participation:

“All right, so what do you think? ’Must not one have a 'sense of humor' or 'talent' in order to create humor?’ Do you agree with the text that There is no mystical *sense of humor,* there is only a better or less well-developed ability to create humor. or do you feel differently?”

Pushing himself up to sit on his desk, he looked at the class expectantly.

After everybody had a chance to discuss the question posed to them, Wilson hopped down off the desk and finished off the last of his tea.


“For homework this week I’m announcing a project we’re going to do for the end of the semester. You’ll be working in groups of three but not to worry I’ll let you all partner up as you see fit this time rather than assigning groups. Your homework this week is simple, come up with your groups and be ready to tell me who is partnered up with whom next week. Remember, these are to be three groups of three. I’ll give you the rest of the class period to get a head start on your homework.”

[ooc: Please wait for The beloved OCD threads are up. Class is in session!]


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