"Welcome back," Thursday greeted as she handed out a few
sheets of paper. "What you'll find on this paper is an explanation of nursery rhymes and a list of several popular nursery rhymes," she explained. "We'll use these as a warm up. Nursery rhymes are taught to young children to introduce them to reading and understanding narrative. Pick a nursery rhyme from the list. Now I want you to pretend that you're a part of the rhyme. How would you react? What would you do to interfere if you had the chance? You can do this alone or in a group."
At the end of class, Thursday dismissed them, but not before telling them about next week's class. "Next week we're moving into the action part of this class. Please make sure you have read Jane Eyre by then."
[OOC: So sorry about posting this late. I forgot to post it before falling asleep. Also, you the player do not have to read any of the books. I'll provide a brief synopsis and character list.]