Afternoon Quickie: LJ Release 96

Aug 31, 2012 17:04

LJ Release 96 is live. I don't like to let these go by without pointing them out just in case some weird bug pops up, but this seems to be a pretty tiny update, RPishly speaking.

1. A bunch of stuff about the new Scrapbook system that basically seems to be improvements, but doesn't directly affect RP.

2. If you're using the default comments style, which most of us aren't, they've tweaked the script so that when you navigate to the next page of comments, it doesn't need to reload the actual entry, just the comments section, so it's a tiny bit faster.

One other thing to be aware of is that LJ is beta-testing the redesigned version of the page for creating/editing entries, which will be laid out a lot like the redesigned default comments pages. (Though hopefully it won't mess with some users' browsers the way the comments style does, since the entry form is a lot less code-filled than a comments page.)

That beta-testing is running separately from the release 95/96/97 etc. system, and you can read about it and offer feedback over here. In Russian, because that's helpful to the other 93% of Livejournal account-holders*.

*Per LJ demographics -- if you assume everyone in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus speaks Russian, that's still only 7% of total account-holders.

technical, livejournal

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