User Info and You

Jan 10, 2009 16:53

To keep other players up to date with who your character is, where to contact them ICly, and how to contact you, the player, OOCly, we have The LJ User Info Page.

Currently, Fandom High characters are all required to list the following information in each character's user info:
Character Name:
Email Address: (this is your OOC email address, not an IC one. Yes, you have to have one public so people can contact you quickly if needed. Please make sure it's one you check regularly)
Voicemail Link:
Living Arrangements: (dorm room number and roommate for students or name of off-campus residence and roommates/housemates for townies and teachers)

Optional: You may also want to include a short blurb about your character so others know who they're interacting with.

STUDENTS can also put up their list of classes, schedule, extra-curriculars, roommates, and any other information about the character at Fandom High.

Student Example.

FACULTY must also list what subjects they are teaching this semester, the day of their regular office hours, and provide links to course requirements and syllabus (if any). Links to most recent classes would be excellent too, but are not required.

Faculty Example.

TOWNIES must also state their job and place of employment. Business owners should list their business details, including the name of the business, what services the business offers, and opening hours or a link to the directory listing of their business.

Townie Example

Questions? Comments? Pudding cup?

user info

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