Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! It's time to sign up for your First Session Summer 2017 Workshops! These sign-ups are for both NEW and RETURNING students (but not graduating seniors, unless they're TAs.)!
Please read the following before you start signing up:
Teacher and Student Class Expectations! The all important guideline for what is expected of the players in Fandom High. Please give it a once-over even if you've seen it in some form or other before - consider it a good thing to click and read while I put up the OCD!
2) Japanese characters, please sign up in the Western style - given name, then family name - to make our alphabetical OCDing easier.
3) PC classes are those taught by a teacher character, the things you're signing up for here, as opposed to the NPC classes, which are discussed in their own thread towards the end of this post.
The Important Stuff About Signing Up For Classes
1) Each student character MUST sign up for at least 2 PC classes. Each player may only sign up for a MAXIMUM of 8 PC classes, spread among your student characters in any way you choose, as long as each has the minimum of 2. (Yes, this means that if you only have one student, you could sign them up for 8 classes. Just think carefully about whether you have the availability to handle that.)
2) If you're a TA for a class, you need to sign up for that class. It will count towards your minimum 2 / maximum 8 courses. Please note TA-ship in the sign-up, so the character won't be counted towards the class-maximum of 20 students. Teachers: please refrain from having your own character act as the TA as it defeats the purpose of having a back-up player to post for you!
3) If it's OOC for your character to take a class but you really want to take it anyway, just sign them up and we'll pretend it was an IG paperwork mishap.
4) If you sign up, you need to show up. Class attendance is how we keep track of your character's activity. If you repeatedly fail to at least sign in to your classes, we'll have to contact you about it, and you could be asked to leave the game.
5) Class descriptions are subject to change at the teacher's discretion.
6) To be fair to people in all time-zones, sign-ups are not first-come, first-serve. Excess numbers in classes will be whittled down with the handy-dandy Random Number Generator (RNG).
And now we get to what you really want to see:
Summer Workshops! (Session 1)!!!!
FH class sign-ups will close at 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, May 4, 2017.
General FYI: Feel free to make changes to your class choices as long as you do it before the deadline. We use the final pings in each thread to make the class lists, not the email notifs. Questions or difficulties, please email us - fandomhighadmins (@) - or drop a question in the Questions thread down below.