BDE Day One!

Jul 13, 2016 00:12

Here's your list of island-wide and large scale effects for Wednesday!
  • People have been turned to ponies! Or griffons or dragons. More species = more chaos!
  • A hedge maze is beginning to grow in the park. All features of the park are still accessible; the route there is just more convoluted. By sundown the hedges will be about five feet tall.
  • Dessert weather report: partly cotton-candy-cloudy with scattered patches of possibly semi-sentient chocolate milk rain. Clouds are low-flying and prone to picking on solo targets, especially anyone who already looks miserable
  • Cartoon physics have begun. Please begin to stock your bicycle pumps for squashing incidents and comically undersized umbrellas to use as parachutes after walking off unexpected cliffs!
These effects are all moddable. NPC encounters, including with Discord, will begin tomorrow.


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