Workshop Class Idea Sign Ups! Summer 2015 (Second Session)
Jun 11, 2015 12:33
Do YOU Need This Form?
If you are a current teacher and would like to continue teaching, just read the next sections and fill out the form below.
If you are a) a current teacher wanting to move to townie status, b) a townie who has never taught before but would like to now, or c) an alum/expat who would be returning to the island to teach, go here to fill out a mini-app for the transfer. It's only for seven weeks, and we're losing three teachers mid-session, so please, please consider it? /begging
If you are a townie who has previously taught student classes and you want to teach again, however, you don't need to fill out a character application. Just submit the class form in this post like a current teacher, but write "Townie to teacher" in the "Anything else?" box.
Summer Sessions only: If you are a just-graduated alum who would like to teach a summer class, you don't need to fill out a character application. Just submit the class form in this post like a current teacher, but write "New grad workshop" in the "Anything else?" box.
What If I Want To Teach Adults At The Community Center?
Community center classes, much like FH classes, can be whatever the teacher wants them to be. If you want to teach a craft or life skill, or hold weekly lectures on why your character is the most awesome ever, that is your choice. The key is getting other players (and their characters) interested enough to show up each week. The difference between community center classes and FH classes is that while we would require someone teaching a course as their job to post weekly, there is no requirement for a class to show up.
Any adult can teach a community center course just for fun, too, in addition to their regular job. Again, just fill out the form here and let us know so we can put it on a little schedule, so players can know in advance that there will be a class available in which to participate.
What's Needed For A Workshop?
The ability to come up with 7 weeks worth of classes.
The ability to post each class by noon Pacific or 3pm Eastern the day it's scheduled (you can also post the night before).
The ability to interact with your students (slow play is fine, you don't need to be around all the time).
The Form [b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Workshop Name:[/b] [b]Fandom High School or Community Center class? (FH or CC):[/b] [b]Workshop Synopsis (for public use in FH class sign-ups/CC class information):[/b] [b]Further Details on the Workshop (A description including any ideas you have for individual classes so far. If this is a community center class, let us know if it will be an AM or PM class.):[/b] [b]Preferred Days (2):[/b] [b]Anything Else?[/b]
Remember, not hearing from us right away is good - we will e-mail current/returning teachers to let them know their workshop works for us around the same time we send out final decisions on character applications.
Your teacher character's form will need to be in these comments by Wednesday, June 17th for great scheduling justice.