Meme: Domesticity

Sep 13, 2013 14:46

Oh hey there! I come bearing a meme that we haven't done since January. Originally from glacial_witch:

Ping your character in and people will offer up a pairing with that character, which is used to answer the meme questions. Feel free to answer with single words, though explanations and examples are always fun. Then other people can chime in with how they see that pairing work. Any pairing goes: friends, NPCs, canon love, canon hate, canon indifference, roommates/housemates, and if-Hell-froze-over-and-these-two-characters-got-together, go crazy!

For example:

Who uses all the hot water in the morning? Warren. He's got a LOT more to wash than Karla and when she is in the mood to spend a long time in the tub, she takes a bath with a glass of wine and a book. Also, Warren is the one who leaves the bathroom a wreck because soggy wings leave water everywhere.

Make sense? Then have at! I even added a couple of questions to mix things up a little.

Who is the big spoon/little spoon?:
What is their favorite non-sexual activity?:
Who uses all the hot water in the morning?:
What they order from take out?:
What is the most trivial thing they fight over?:
Who does most of the cleaning?:
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat's not working?:
Who steals the blankets?:
What is their late-night-viewing guilty pleasure?
Who kissed who first?
What would they do if the other one was hurt?
What do they get each other for gifts?
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
How do they celebrate anniversaries?
What do they name their pet(s)?
On a scale from tolerable to sickeningly adorable in public, where do they rank?

random dorkiness

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