Torchwood/Regeneration crossover, Ianto Jones/Billy Prior

Jul 07, 2008 02:59

Title: What Goes Between
Summary: The 'gratutious porn' that was missing from To The End by lo0o0ony_lauren
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ianto/Prior
Spoiler Warnings: The original fic is an AU of TW 2.03 'To The Last Man' - so safely assume spoilers up to there.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Etc. Seriously.
Notes: So I said to Loz: *wants to see Prior's encounter with Ianto*. And she said to me: (Also, in my plan, Prior's encounter with Ianto was, like, "gratuitous prons". And then I said: (I am tempted to write Ianto/Prior prons now. Even though I'm not very good at it). And I did. Um.

So this is for lo0o0ony_lauren, for writing an awesome fic in the first place (Oh, Billy, oh, Jack) and by extension for strangeumbrella, because that fic was for her in the first place. (This, um, might not be right for the timeline? I thought I had it right but when I was looking over Loz's fic again...I think I may have read that part wrong. Still - it's Ianto/Prior porn! Who cares?! There may just have to be another fic. That's all)

Prior is leaving. Ianto knows this. He doesn't necessarily need to process it just yet. But he knows. He feels that that's an important thing to remember.

Jack tells everyone with sad eyes. Ianto thinks Jack isn't aware of just how attached he is to Prior. Prior has been there, once a year, every year for ninety years. Jack hasn't had that with anyone. Ever.

Not even the Doctor can claim that.

Ianto let Prior win the first time he met him. It was easier than enduring his endless staring. The horrible feeling that Prior knew. That Prior would tell and Ianto couldn't have it, wouldn't have it. So he let Prior have him, down in the dusty archives that Jack couldn't stand, and it was hard and brutal and Ianto hated himself for liking it.

For wanting more.


The funniest thing about it was that Prior effectively knew that there would be a Ianto and Jack before there was a Ianto and Jack. Read it in the way the looked at each other or didn't look at each other. And that's why he seduced Ianto. That and because he could and Prior was always fond of doing what he could.


“Time to go back,” Prior said, leaning against the frame of the door. Ianto had been avoiding him to the best of his ability and was surprised Prior had bothered to search him out. Not when there was Tosh and Owen and Jack to say goodbye to.

“So I heard,” Ianto said, trying to keep his voice non-committal. Prior watched him coolly, with those eyes that had unnerved Ianto so much before, as he went about his business in the Information Centre.

“I've been saying goodbye,” Prior said and it was a leading statement if ever Ianto had heard one.

“Goodbye then,” Ianto said, looking at him briefly.

“That's it?” Prior asked sharply and for a moment Ianto thought there was a hint of anger in the controlled voice.

“What do you expect?” Ianto asked, turning to face Prior, unconsciously setting his hands on his hips.

“What do you think?” Prior asked, eyes raking up Ianto's body. Ianto felt a flush rise with them.

“Lieutenant,” Ianto said, low, warningly, using the rank to separate them. Prior shook his head.

“That won't work this time, Jones,” Prior said, moving away from the door, stepping into Ianto's space.

“Prior,” Ianto said, stepping back as Prior reached his hands out. Prior was quicker than him, though, grabbing his hips firmly and pulling him forward again.

“Jones,” Prior said back, tilting his head and watching Ianto. Ianto was so tired of being watched.

“Damn it, Billy,” Ianto said, letting his head droop. Prior pushed them back, back against the wall, his groin pressing hard against Ianto's.

“Better, Ianto,” Prior approved, running a hand up Ianto's chest and loosening his tie. “You know - I've always appreciated the layers that you wear. Jack told me that your clothes were considered old-fashioned, once, and I wondered if you wore them because you know Jack likes old-fashioned things”

Ianto did't dignify this with a reply, instead letting his head fall back against the wall so Prior could bite a path down his neck. He shivered as Prior pulled his tie away, warm hands making quick work of his shirt buttons.

“I spent so much of my time playing like this,” Prior said, nipping sharply at Ianto's collar bone. “And all for his benefit. And because it amused me, of course. But having you is a different thing altogether. Especially now”

Ianto looked at Prior sharply, finding the other man staring at him hard, Prior smirked and slid his hands down Ianto's sides, resting on his belt.

“I wouldn't notice?” Prior asked, fingers pulling his belt loose and then free. The leather made a loud smacking sound as it hit the floor. “The way he looks at you now. And the way you can't help looking at him. You spent so much time hiding away, Ianto Jones, and now what?”

“I don't have to hide,” Ianto said quietly, hissing as Prior chose that moment to rub his hand down the length of Ianto's cock through his trousers.

“No,” Prior said, sliding the zip of the trousers down achingly slowly. “But you do. From the others. They know, of course, without realising. In a close unit nothing is ever truly secret. What will you do if they confront you? Deny?”

“No,” Ianto said, shaking his head. “I'm not ashamed. And I'm certainly not afraid”

“Oh, but you are,” Prior said, sliding Ianto's trousers down his hips. “You're afraid of what they might think. And you're afraid of him. More than you'd like to admit”

“I'm not afraid of Jack,” Ianto pushed out as Prior absently stroked his cock through his pants. Prior looked at him sharply.

“Not in the conventional sense,” Prior said. “No. But you're afraid to lose him. Afraid you won't be enough. That you're inferior”

“Prior,” Ianto said, bring his hands up to grip the other man's shoulders. “You talk to much”

Ianto was much stronger than he was the previous year, strong enough to at last press his will on Prior, and he pulled Prior to him, kissing him before he could stop him. Prior never kissed. The kiss was hard and brittle and teeth and tongue and for just a moment Ianto enjoyed it.

Prior reared back, breaking Ianto's hold, and slapped Ianto, hard, across the mouth. Both men were breathing heavily, Ianto almost completely undone and Prior in unfitting 21st century clothes.

“Fuck you, Jones,” Prior bit out, his gaze fierce like fire.

“I believe that's what you wanted,” Ianto said, turning to face the wall. He braced his hands against the rough brick and pushed his arse out. He didn't care that the CCTV would be recording all this - let Jack watch, it wouldn't be the first time. Prior made a stifled sound and Ianto smiled to himself.

Prior was at his back in seconds, pushing his shirt up and stripping his underwear. The cool air on Ianto's arse made him shiver but not as much as the feeling of two spit-slicked fingers at his arsehole. All the dabbling with Jack had resulted in an ease of preparation that Ianto was almost proud of. Almost.

“Going where Jack has come,” Prior muttered against the skin of Ianto's neck. “There's something poetic about it”

“For God's sake,” Ianto said, pushing back on Prior's hand. “Just get on with it”

Prior laughed. There was a crackling of a certain kind of packet and Ianto was almost astounded.

“Don't be so surprised,” Prior said lightly as Ianto felt his cock push at his arse. “Doctor Harper was very thorough in explaining the dangers of your futuristic diseases. I hate to imagine what I might have caught from Jack”

“Fuck,” Ianto said, not capable of saying anything more when Prior was filling him from the inside out. Prior almost seemed to sigh when he finally settled flush. Ianto drew a deep breath and pushed back a little, urging Prior into action.

Prior complied. And then some. It had always been furious and fast with Prior - Ianto twisted up with contempt for himself and Prior caught up in some lost memory that Ianto would never be so rude as to ask about. Prior fucked like a pro and it was different from Jack and left Ianto aching in so many ways. But God he wanted it, twitched with the want of it.

Prior's fingers dug deep into Ianto's hips as he drove forward and Ianto couldn't stop himself from crying out as Prior hit the right angle again and again. The friction burned inside him, heightened everything, and Ianto groped for his own cock with painful need. Prior's breath was harsh against his neck and Ianto could feel the laughter that rested beneath.

Fucking Prior.

Ianto tried to stroke his cock in time with Prior's thrusts but the pace was too great and the sensation too much. Instead he eased his hand over his cock, stifling a succession of moans, and let Prior pull the heaviest load. Prior grunted with his efforts and Ianto had time to wonder how just how many people Prior had fucked that day.

Ianto Jones. Always the last man.

“Come on,” he said, feeling the building rush of orgasm. “Come on, Prior”

“Fuck, Jones,” Prior ground out. “Just...fuck”

Prior redoubled his efforts and Ianto broke apart, cock jerking in his hand as he rocked back hard against Prior. He closed down around Prior's cock and felt Prior jolt to a halt, his teeth biting into the back Ianto's neck as he came. So they stood, Ianto horrified at himself and, to a lesser extent, at Prior, but so blissfully sated that he couldn't be bothered to care.

Prior shifted slowly after a long moment and pressed a momentary blink-and-you-would-miss-it kiss to his own bitemark, already stinging dully. He duly slid out and Ianto slumped against the wall as his arms gave way. He could hear Prior moving, redressing himself no doubt, and let out a shuddering breath.

“Come on then,” Prior said quietly and he was behind Ianto again, but this time his touch was gentle as he pulled Ianto's pants and trousers up, tucking his shirt in as he went. Ianto allowed himself to be turned and buttoned and felt human again when Prior looped his tie carefully about his neck.

“I can -” Ianto said, raising a hand to the tie but Prior batted it away with a shake of his head. He tied the tie expertly, knotting it just as Ianto liked it, and there was a hint of a smile about his lips.

“I do believe I shall miss you, Ianto Jones,” Prior said, staring at him with open eyes for once. Ianto stared back and swallowed down an unexpected lump in his throat.

“Billy,” Ianto said, unable to continue. Prior looked so out of place in the 21st century clothes they gave him and Ianto was almost excited about the prospect of seeing him in his uniform.

“Now, Jones,” Prior said in his best command voice. “None of that. Sentiment's not the called for thing, you know”

Ianto laughed despite himself and Prior gifted him with the first real smile he'd ever seen from the soldier out of time. Prior strode from the room, without a backward glance, and left Ianto to watch him go.

“I'll miss you to, Billy Prior,” Ianto said to the empty room.

crossover, character: ianto jones, character: billy prior, crossover pairing: ianto/prior, fandom: torchwood, gift!fic, fandom: regeneration, porntastic, slash

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