typhoon haiyan | buy it now fundraiser

Nov 11, 2013 14:31

As most of you have probably become aware, the Philippines has been devastated by the fiercest typhoon ever recorded, with over ten thousand people already feared to have perished. This fundraiser will only feature the BUY IT NOW option. There will be NO auction option at this stage.

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cause: typhoon haiyan, mod: post

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itsadrizzit - beta reading itsadrizzit November 13 2013, 18:59:50 UTC
‘BUY IT NOW’ OFFER | Beta reading
QUANTITY | Up to 10K. Can be one long fic or multiple shorter fics.
FANDOMS | If you want me to comment on characterization, stick to Dragon Age, Welcome to Night Vale, Merlin, Castle, Bones, Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, Buffy, or Angel. If you just want me to deconstruct your sentences and recommend some fixes, I can probably read anything...even original fic.
MINIMUM ‘BUY IT NOW’ DONATION REQUIREMENT | $2 for $1000 words up to 10k words
ANY OTHER INFORMATION | I've done lots of beta reading and am a power-editor of my own fic and original work. I'm great with things like spelling and grammar (not so much punctuation) as well as dialogue, diction/language (making the words sound nice), and character voices (provided I am familiar with the source material). I will do any rating up to NC-17 (I'm bad with explicit scenes), and will not read a story with noncon, character death without clear reason (we can discuss this), incest, or character bashing ( ... )


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