typhoon haiyan | buy it now fundraiser

Nov 11, 2013 14:31

As most of you have probably become aware, the Philippines has been devastated by the fiercest typhoon ever recorded, with over ten thousand people already feared to have perished. This fundraiser will only feature the BUY IT NOW option. There will be NO auction option at this stage.

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cause: typhoon haiyan, mod: post

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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles amai_kaminari November 13 2013, 04:48:15 UTC

I am very interested in purchasing your truffles, but I have a question I was hoping you could help me with?

The truffles would be a gift for someone who has a soy allergy (A lot of chocolate contains soy lecithin as an emulsifier and a lot of vegetable oils also have soy additives) and tree nut allergy (Peanuts are fine.)

Would it be possible for you to accommodate his soy allergy and tree nut allergy?

Thank you!


Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles chess November 13 2013, 13:43:44 UTC
I would like to order 20 truffles :-) Surprise me on the seasonings - my only request is no chilli or similar 'hot' spices, please. I'll PM my address once the donation confirmation gets posted?


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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles chess December 12 2013, 03:17:26 UTC
The first one, please :-)


Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles ziasudra November 14 2013, 02:24:12 UTC
I would like 25 truffles please!

May I request some truffles with coconut milk and some with almond milk? They sound simply amazing. I trust you with pairing them with the appropriate spices :)

I'm a strong supporter of child programs -- have sponsored multiple children for over 12 years -- so I plan to make my donation to World Vision. If you prefer the money to go to another agency, please let me know!


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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles ziasudra November 14 2013, 02:37:04 UTC
Thanks, sounds good! I'll PM you my address once my donation is confirmed.


Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles innie_darling November 16 2013, 00:00:52 UTC
Ooh! I'll take 35, please!

I'd like them all to be almond milk - I have a lactose intolerance, which does not, unfortunately, prevent me from consuming chocolate at a feverish pace. I'm very fond of chai spices, particularly cardamom, so let's say 10 should be cardamom. The other 25 I'm less fussy about; maybe some Earl Grey ones and peppery ones for my mom, and something that is caramel-y for my dad. Please no anise. No allergies.


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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles innie_darling November 16 2013, 01:10:07 UTC
Sorry for the lack of clarity! I meant spicy pepper, separate from the Earl Grey. I'd like the 10 cardamoms to be just cardamom, please, but go crazy on the rest. The caramels are not at all a requirement - I just kind of blanked on what other herbs/spices you might have at hand and know that my dad is crazy fond of caramel. Thank you!


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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles innie_darling November 19 2013, 02:18:39 UTC
Coconut milk sounds fine. My dad likes pistachios, cashews, almonds, coconut, and coffee - does that help? If it would be easier, you could send me a list of what you've got and I could pick the most suitable options. (Also, just checking that you got my PMs with my address.)



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Re: libitina's offer: chocolate truffles innie_darling November 19 2013, 02:55:38 UTC
Yum! Screw Dad - I'm eating those myself!


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