typhoon haiyan | buy it now fundraiser

Nov 11, 2013 14:31

As most of you have probably become aware, the Philippines has been devastated by the fiercest typhoon ever recorded, with over ten thousand people already feared to have perished. This fundraiser will only feature the BUY IT NOW option. There will be NO auction option at this stage.

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cause: typhoon haiyan, mod: post

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shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 12 2013, 16:49:42 UTC
‘BUY IT NOW’ OFFER | Custom-blended perfume oils
QUANTITY | 10 (I might offer more if I get that many requests)
FANDOMS | (May or may not be applicable)
MINIMUM ‘BUY IT NOW’ DONATION REQUIREMENT | $15 for 6ml or $30 for 12ml
I need some idea of the scent you want, so you can give me a description or a specific component list. You can even request something based on a character from a fandom I know - just ask! Even if I don't know the character, you could provide a description of the personality you'd like me to base the creation on, and I'll do my best.

(Click here for a list of ingredients I have on hand)

The oils will come in 6ml or 12ml glass bottles with roll-on caps. I use 100% natural essential oils where possible in a base of sweet almond oil.


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils gypsy_atavari November 14 2013, 12:09:16 UTC
Hello, I have a friend in the US but he'll be leaving on Dec 9, would it be possible to ship the perfume then? Also how long does the perfume last (expiration date)? :-)



Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 14 2013, 13:55:42 UTC
The only way I can guarantee that it will be there by December 9th would be to ship with guaranteed delivery (this has tracking and specified delivery date range), which could end up being very costly (at least $30 for shipping alone, since I'm not in the US). I'd be willing to do that if you helped with the shipping costs because $30 is a lot in my currency.

Originally, I planned to send it by normal mail, which would take a few weeks and doesn't guarantee delivery, but costs at most $10. Stuff rarely gets lost in the mail for me, so I don't foresee that to be a major issue (hope I haven't jinxed that).

Let me know what you decide either way.

As for the expiry, it should last about a year. I don't add any chemical preservatives.

Thank you for your interest!


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils gypsy_atavari November 15 2013, 13:02:52 UTC
Hello! I'd like two 12ml bottles please.

Thank you again so much for participating and offering something so unique.


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 15 2013, 13:36:21 UTC
Lovely! What kind of scent are you looking for?


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 20 2013, 19:56:26 UTC
Thank you for your interest! Please PM me your name and mailing address. ♥


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils innie_darling November 15 2013, 23:38:03 UTC
Hello! I'd like a 12 mL bottle, please. I don't know what pairs well together, but looking at your list, I identified four favorite scents (in no particular order): jasmine, sandalwood, cedar, and frankincense. If that would all go well together, great. If two (say, jasmine and sandalwood) would be great together and the other two would be great together, please consider my $30 as an order for two 6 mL bottles instead. Does that work for you?


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 16 2013, 07:59:59 UTC
Yes, absolutely. Are there any scents you particularly dislike in the list? Because the combination you've chosen is pretty…heavy (for the lack of a better word) whether I use all four in one or use two each, I think it might turn out better if I add something to rebalance it (of course, I'll try just those four first just to make sure), and I'd like to know if there's anything I should stay away from. If you'd rather I stick to only those four, that works too. Scents are very subjective, after all.

That aside, please PM me your name and mailing address, so I can mail it to you when it is done! ♥ Thank you for your interest and generosity.


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils innie_darling November 16 2013, 15:24:33 UTC
Thank you so much for your help here! And for making the offer in the first place, of course. I appreciate the distinction you're making about the heaviness of the scent, but I am planning to pour the scent into a wooden diffuser, rather than wearing it on my skin, if that makes a difference.

I didn't even see Myrrh on the list before - add that to my four main likes, please. Also, I enjoy lavender, any kind of citrus, most herbs, and all of the spices you listed.

As for dislikes: rose, frangipani, melon, peach, strawberry, fennel, peppermint, and patchouli. I don't want anything marked with an asterisk.

The ones I don't know, and would prefer that you not use if possible: Moke, Rachavadee, Leech Lime, Bergamot, Rosewood, Birch, Citronella, Palmarosa, Juniper, Melaleuca, Dragon's Blood, and Elemi.

I hope that helps - poke me if you want more clarification! Thanks!


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 16 2013, 15:51:54 UTC
Oh, yes, that makes a big difference. To elaborate, take jasmine incense as an approximation - it smells lovely in your room, but most people probably wouldn't want to be walking around smelling overwhelmingly like it. So if you're using it in a diffuser, your choices are probably just fine. :D

Thank you. I'll keep all the things you mentioned in mind. You've been very helpful!


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils innie_darling November 16 2013, 16:25:41 UTC
You've been a pleasure to work with!


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 16 2013, 16:31:40 UTC
As have you, and as a side note, your icons suggest we share a number of fandoms, which totally wins. :D


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils tastelikeapples November 20 2013, 19:03:49 UTC
This is amazing! I'd like a 6ml bottle, please.

I don't know what would pair well together, either, so I'm going to follow innie_darling's example and just list the scents that I liked from your ingredients list. So, in no particular order: rose, sandalwood, vanilla and white musk. Any combination would be awesome. (If it looks like the scent is going to be ridiculously heavy, I'm going to rely on your good judgment to rebalance it, since I have zero idea what would work well together.)

I just made a donation, and am waiting on a confirmation from Red Cross. Thanks!


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 20 2013, 19:51:49 UTC
Thank you! PM me your name and mailing address, so I can send it to you when it's done! =D


Re: shinigami_yumi - Perfume oils shinigami_yumi November 24 2013, 07:07:31 UTC
Okay, as I was saying in the PM, I have to send it by DHL. I've sent it out, and you should get it sometime next week. The shipment to America costs $60, but what I have done is put yours and innie_darling's together, so you can split the international fees in half. I hope you don't mind sending hers to New York when you receive it, since it saves costs for everyone involved (otherwise, it'd be $60 each).

Here's your DHL tracking number for the package: 6069740515

I'll PM you both my PayPal?


Donation RE-clarification!! waltzmatildah December 11 2013, 22:49:04 UTC
As per this update, you have confirmed donations from:



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