typhoon haiyan | buy it now fundraiser

Nov 11, 2013 14:31

As most of you have probably become aware, the Philippines has been devastated by the fiercest typhoon ever recorded, with over ten thousand people already feared to have perished. This fundraiser will only feature the BUY IT NOW option. There will be NO auction option at this stage.

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cause: typhoon haiyan, mod: post

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paraka paraka November 12 2013, 15:30:30 UTC
QUANTITY | Up to 30K, this can be a single podfic or broken up into multiple stories/bids
FANDOMS | Avengers, Fall Out Boy
ANY OTHER INFORMATION | My podfics are all on my website or available on AO3


Re: paraka idella November 13 2013, 08:53:44 UTC
Hi, I listen to Avengers podfic, and I like your podfic, but I don't read Avengers fic, so I wouldn't even know what to request. Is there something you'd like to record that I could donate for? Preferably female-character-centric, or an always-a-girl-AU, but the only thing I wouldn't love to hear anyway would be something Loki-centric. Or I could provide a list of Avengers authors I like and you could pick one of their stories you'd like to podfic? Let me know if any of this is something you'd be interested in.


Re: paraka paraka November 13 2013, 15:44:09 UTC
I love the ladies of Marvel (especially Natasha and Pepper) and always-a-girl AUs are one of my favourite things in fandom. That said, I'm really new to Avengers fandom, so I haven't read that much fic in it? So, if you're ok with it maybe taking me a bit longer to finish the request so I can take time to track down a good fic, I'd be good with it. :)

Having a list of authors you like would help too. :)


Re: paraka idella November 13 2013, 16:24:36 UTC
Okay, I will donate $25 AUD to the British Red Cross, if that's all right, and we'll sort out the details later? I am fine with it taking longer. :) I'll sort out a list of authors at the weekend.


Donation RE-clarification!! waltzmatildah December 11 2013, 12:22:22 UTC
As per this update: you have confirmed donations from



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