typhoon haiyan | buy it now fundraiser

Nov 11, 2013 14:31

As most of you have probably become aware, the Philippines has been devastated by the fiercest typhoon ever recorded, with over ten thousand people already feared to have perished. This fundraiser will only feature the BUY IT NOW option. There will be NO auction option at this stage.

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cause: typhoon haiyan, mod: post

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socchan socchan November 11 2013, 22:56:28 UTC
‘BUY IT NOW’ OFFER | Rare pattern Vivillon with Pokerus
QUANTITY | Three (3) Vivillon
FANDOMS | Pokemon X/Y
ANY OTHER INFORMATION | I am offering three rare-pattern Vivillon; the patterns available are Monsoon (1), Savannah (1), Tundra (2), and Meadow (1). You can see the patterns here. Your Vivillon will be infected with the Pokerus, which helps Pokemon grow twice as fast as standard training. Please state which one you'd like in your comment; once your donation is confirmed, I'll PM you to set up a time to trade.

EDIT: Dreamwidth user albatrosswing has contributed a Polar pattern Vivillon to the cause, which I can also infect with the Pokerus.


Re: socchan rustydragonfly November 15 2013, 11:27:38 UTC
Oooh, savannah pattern please, if it's not already spoken for? I'm at work right now but can donate when I get home.


Re: socchan socchan November 15 2013, 13:59:55 UTC
You're the first one to respond, so it's definitely still available :) I'll PM you with my friend code and time zone once I get your donation confirmation and we can set up a time to trade. Would you like Pokerus with that?


Re: socchan rustydragonfly November 15 2013, 14:10:29 UTC
Awesome. I already have Pokerus on my game so no need to worry about that if it's a bother to infect it. I'll be home in about 3-4 hours time so will donate then. Is there anyone you particularly want or don't want me to donate to?


Re: socchan socchan November 15 2013, 14:36:03 UTC
Okay, cool :)

I'm fond of Doctors Without Borders (and animal-related charities, because Pokemon), but organization choice isn't a dealbreaker for me.


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Re: Donation Clarification rustydragonfly November 19 2013, 11:35:39 UTC
Sorry! I'm at work now but will send it when I get in tonight.


Re: socchan amai_kaminari November 16 2013, 00:12:15 UTC
Hello! I am definitely interested in donating in exchange for Vivillon. Since one is spoken for, are two more still available?


Re: socchan socchan November 16 2013, 02:12:05 UTC
There are indeed two still available! I actually just acquired a River pattern this afternoon as well, so that's also on the table.


Re: socchan amai_kaminari November 16 2013, 06:22:36 UTC
If I may, I'd like to donate $20 to get two pokemon.

I already donated once, but I am waiting on confirmation for some other items that I just bid on. Once I hear back, I will make a second donation all at once.


Re: socchan socchan November 16 2013, 20:28:27 UTC
That works for me :) Once I get confirmation for you, I'll PM you my friend code and time zone and we can set up a time to trade.

Which Vivillon would you like?


Re: socchan amai_kaminari November 20 2013, 16:54:40 UTC

Sorry for the delay. I never received a response for one of my other bids. :(

I went ahead with the donation because I didn't want the people who did respond to have to wait any longer.


... )


Re: socchan socchan November 21 2013, 03:09:11 UTC
Thanks much! I'll PM you with my friend code and we can start talking about details and such :)


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Re: Donation Clarification amai_kaminari November 19 2013, 12:07:08 UTC
Hello! Yes, I am still waiting for a reply on one of my bids.


Donation RE-clarification!! waltzmatildah December 11 2013, 11:33:10 UTC
As per this update: rustydragonfly and amai_kaminari's donations are both confirmed.

Again, apologies for the confusion!


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