Criminal Minds: Chocolate Sauce (Morgan/Garcia)

Mar 05, 2013 20:41

Title: Chocolate Sauce
Author: drabbles_by_v
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Work Type: Fanfiction
Characters: Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia, team
Rating: R for sexual situations
Spoilers: Snake Eyes spoilers
Written For: that_1_incident
Summary: What's a girl to do when she thinks she has two great guys, and discovers one of them isn't so great at all?

Beyond the cut... )

donor: that_1_incident, fandom: criminal minds, cause: superstorm2012, author: drabbles_by_v, rating: r, type: fanfiction

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Comments 4

2bbornot2bb March 6 2013, 10:06:42 UTC
Ha! This was terrific, you've got both of them down perfectly and i loved every exchange. Their heavy handed banter is always both-barrels-loaded and it was massive fun to see it reach its (imho, natural) conclusion.

Congratulations on a great read!


drabbles_by_v March 6 2013, 12:23:06 UTC
Thank you! Writing their dialog was really very entertaining.

Personally I don't 'ship this pair, but I love them as a FWB set-up, so it was really a neat experience to see how I could lead them around to this conclusion, and the banter helped with that a ton!


deirdre_shojo June 19 2013, 16:31:26 UTC

this is my first García/Morgan fic and i'm very glad i found your story. Love them both, i think you got them perfectly wrote, i can see them clearly.


Loved it ext_741885 July 9 2013, 05:34:45 UTC
You did a great job with this.


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