Dark is Rising: The Burn of a Cold White Flame

Feb 05, 2011 22:49

Title: The Burn of a Cold White Flame
Author: dragonbat2006
Fandom: Dark is Rising
Work Type: fic
Characters: Will, Barbara, Barney, Simon, Stan (OMC), Geoff (OMC)
Rating: G
Spoilers: Silver on the Tree
Written For: blueyeti
Summary: Twenty-five years after Silver On the Tree, Will Stanton encounters the Drew siblings again.

The Burn of a Cold White Flame

fandom: dark is rising, donor: blueyeti, cause: qldfloods2011, author: dragonbat2006, rating: g, type: fanfiction

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Comments 2

waltzmatildah February 6 2011, 03:54:42 UTC
Thank you for posting!!

I have one favour... can you please change your subject line so that it reads:

Dark Is Rising: The Burn Of A Cold White Flame

Thank you! (ps. I've never heard of this fandom! I'ma have to go check it out I think....!)


dragonbat2006 February 6 2011, 03:59:23 UTC
Done! And *blush* thanks!


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