About twenty minutes after opening the store, Andrew reached up to scratch his head and discovered he was bleeding. The bird had evidently been more successful in it's attack than he had realized.
Secure in the knowledge that he now had the Avian Flu, Andrew ran to the clinic and rushed into the waiting room holding his head and looking panicked.
Frowning, Wilson -who was completely oblivious to the omg!awkward- walked to Andew, reaching up to try to get a look under his hands, attempting to assess how much damage there was.
"A giant bird attacked your head? What happened?" You know, the fact that he had to ask what else, besides a giant bird attacking, was just a testament to Fandom weirdness.
Comments 27
Secure in the knowledge that he now had the Avian Flu, Andrew ran to the clinic and rushed into the waiting room holding his head and looking panicked.
Then he got a good look at who he was speaking to, and paused.
"Hi, there, Dr. Wilson," he said.
This would never not be awkward.
"A giant bird attacked your head? What happened?" You know, the fact that he had to ask what else, besides a giant bird attacking, was just a testament to Fandom weirdness.
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