OOC: The Fandom Town Emergency Clinic Info Post

Dec 10, 2006 20:51

Just as a refresher, here is an (updated) intro and primer to the medical facilities of fandomhigh.

Where do I go?

The main medical facility on the island is Fandom Town Emergency Clinic. There is also a "handwavey" school clinic staffed by a school counselor who works by appointment only, and, during the school year, by an NPC nurse. Those with minor cuts and bruises can "handwavey" see this nurse. If you have real medical needs, haul your character on over to FTEC.

When do I go?

FTEC has two shifts a day, seven days a week. One day, one night. Only the person doing the shift can start the FTEC post. Daytime shifts try to go up by 2pm Eastern, nightime shifts by 9pm Eastern. In FH time if the sun is down your character should use the nighttime shift.

The shift schedule is posted in the userinfo for fandom_clinic. If it's getting late and the clinic post hasn't gone up for whatever reason, feel free to ping me at doctor.c.troy(at)gmail(dot)com or on AIM at belthazor fh.

What else should I know?

FTEC is staffed by a highly diverse group who, all told, cover all the wacky medical needs that Fandom can come up with from first aid to surgery to magic. Whatever your character's Fandom-related medical need, we can take care of you. We the players may not have the medical knowledge that the characters have, but we do try to stay plausible.

Please keep that in mind if you have upcoming plots with specific medical needs. Any FTEC staff member can get any character stabilized and in a not immediately dying place. But if you need a heart transplant you want one of our medical docs. If you need a spell you want one of the witches. So either try to base your plot on the posted FTEC schedule, or give us a heads-up so we can try to arrange for the necessary person to be around.

Our current staff consists of:

Alanna: threeweapons (magical healing abilities, basic first aid and nurse training)
Janet Fraiser: janet_fraiser (medical, speciality: rare and infectious diseases, alien physiology)
Dr. Trevor Goodchild: goodtrevor (medical)
Dr. Natalie Lambert: drlambert (medical, speciality: coroner)
Dr. Susan Pevensie: susanofnarnia (speciality: psychiatry -- by appointment only)
Dr. Elliot Reid: blonde_doctor (medical)
Stark: banikslaveboy (magical healing abilities)
Dr. Christian Troy: sexydoctor (medical, speciality: plastic surgery)
Dr. James Wilson: dr_jwilsonmd (medical, speciality: oncology)

Also, PLEASE give us a heads-up if you have a plot coming up that's going to flood FTEC with patients. Email me and any of the doctors whose shifts you'll be impacting. One player on their own can only RP so much, so if you've got a major catastrophe on the horizon we need to know so we can try to make sure other FTEC staffers are around. Please give us an idea of what the injuries will be and how long people will be staying at the clinic.

Likewise alert us if you have need of specific items. FTEC is well stocked with meds, equipment, and of course plenty of blood for transfusions, but if you absolutely positively need XYZ item, tell us so we can make sure it's handy.

Finally, you must let us know if you are theoretically in the clinic, but unable to ping into the clinic posts for whatever reason. If you don't ping, we will assume you have left the clinic, and you cannot go back after the fact and claim you were there the entire time. That's retconning, and that is against the rules.

No heads-up on any of that? You've got only yourself to blame if your plot gets bogged down by slowplay or a lack of available material.

Who do I write to OOC?

The Lord High Ruler of FTEC is yours truly, aka sexydoctor, aka demonbelthazor. If you ever have any OOC questions, comments, whatever about FTEC you can send them on to me. My contact info is on my info pages (and the clinic info page): doctor.c.troy(at)gmail(dot)com or on AIM at belthazor fh.

(Originally written by ladder62/willbedone, updated by sexydoctor.)

ooc, admin

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