FTEC, Tuesday Night

May 16, 2006 17:11

She wasn't necessarily in a good mood, but she was doing... better...even as the memories became clearer with each passing day. A small part of her could understand, really. Nick didn't want to lose her, wanted to keep his promise. And LaCroix -- what did LaCroix want? Even spending as much time as she did, examining her connection to him, she couldn't quite make him out; the mixture of affection, consternation, sacrifice, and some others she couldn't name was all overwhelming and difficult to untangle.

That didn't mean she wasn't going to try.

But those were thoughts better left to daylight hours, while she was trapped in her basement apartment. Once the sun went down, Natalie made her way to the clinic and found the place surprisingly busy. It seemed the students had found other ways to occupy their time since classes were over. Probably just as well, she thought. Her brooding thoughts would have to be set aside for later. She then grabbed the charts and began her rounds.

[Doc is in, but mun will be gone from 7:30 to 9 ET if anyone needs medical assistance or other RP needs. Mun is actually back...]

pippi longstocking, natalie lambert, tyler durden, ftec, nadia santos, walter dornez

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