Dec 13, 2010 15:44

To celebrate the fact that I have just written a tiny minuscule fic, after so long spent not ficcing, people, ask me for drabbles before the writer's block comes back ( Read more... )

memes will feast on your soul, fanfiction

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Comments 26

immlass December 13 2010, 14:50:27 UTC
I almost never request fic but I never see Lucifer Box offered.

Lucifer Box, flappers.


fan_elune December 13 2010, 16:55:16 UTC
Lucifer Box liked to think that he looked good in all occasions. This was most definitely one of these occasions, and the woman he was looking at clearly agreed.

Her eyelashes fluttered a few times, holding that particular gleam he knew so well, and did love to elicit. Her short bob framed strong features, eyes highlighted by khol, lips perfectly drawn with lipstick. The dress was to the latest flapper fashion, giving only a little hint as to the exact shapes underneath. Some things were only more alluring when left to the imagination.

She was a looker, Lucifer thought, and of course he would deserve to take her home that night. And in the end, he surely would.

Manner of speaking.

He blew a kiss at his own reflection, smiled with satisfaction, and headed out into the Chicago night to infiltrate the speakeasy.


immlass December 13 2010, 17:10:17 UTC
That was perfect! Thank you!


fan_elune December 13 2010, 17:13:30 UTC
It was the only thing I could think of to make it be something else than 'Lucifer gets a flapper home'. Also MEAN YOU for making me write him sans Charlie, man. I'm glad you liked it! :)


havenstar December 13 2010, 15:15:38 UTC
oh my god- my computer doesn't even freaking work so I have no idea when I'll be able to get back online to check out the results of this but your fandom list gave me an IDEA and I must prompt!

Alias/Dollhouse crossover time!

I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW OR WHY. Sydney infiltrating the Dollhouse? Sark vs Adelle (or possibly Sark/Adelle)? or Sark vs Alpha, ooohhh (or Sark/Alpha, hahaha yikes) Weiss meets Topher, or (oh god) MARSHALL meets Topher? Sark/Weiss and Viktor/Sierra and ADORABLE FLUFFY BUNNY CUTENESS? I DON'T EVEN KNOW. The possibilities are endless! I feel like we should all try our hands at this! if either Alias or Dollhouse had ANY SORT OF FANDOM I would say their should be a fandom-wide challenge!

....I miss having time in my life for fandom, my life is way sadder without it :( <3

(also okay yes fine obligatory prompt for Shakespeare in Love fic, AKT crossover optional :D)


fan_elune December 13 2010, 16:57:56 UTC
THE NUMBER OF POSSIBILITIES. But I think I know which one I must write.


fan_elune December 13 2010, 17:12:32 UTC
"Adelle." He stands when she walks back into her office, and their smiles mirror each other ( ... )


fan_elune December 13 2010, 17:15:22 UTC
And now that that's done, I want to write A WHOLE FANFIC involving him and everything Dollhouse. Because Topher needs to ramble at him, and he neeeeds to have a fight with Alpha liek so bad!!11!!1!

I hope your computer gets fixed soon, honey! *snugs*

(...if you give me a prompt for Shakespeare and AKT.)


snakewhissperer December 13 2010, 17:24:23 UTC
doctor who - Jack and the Doctor during the year that never was.


fan_elune December 14 2010, 22:01:12 UTC
I am honestly blanking. Do you mean that year they were prisoners of the Master? Tiny old Doctor in a cage? Man I need to watch these episodes again.


snakewhissperer December 14 2010, 22:05:48 UTC
yep, those. No worries though, if you're blanking.


fan_elune December 14 2010, 22:33:33 UTC
I just checked and it's the season I bought without checking the languages and I only have it in French. EWWWW.


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fan_elune December 14 2010, 17:41:56 UTC
"What is that doing here?"

Midnighter's voice rang rough and harsh as he looked up at the offensive plant hanging at the entrance of their apartment on the Carrier.

Apollo looked up from what he had been reading on the couch, and smiled at him in a way that seemed to warm the entire room. Sunny bastard.

"Jenny insisted," he answered, and leisurely got to his feet. "Said you could use a little holiday spirit."

"I could use getting that down and out of my sight," Midnighter retorted, and reached up to grab the mistletoe.

Apollo's hand closed around his wrist (he let it; computer had offered over 30,000 ways to stop it, a lot of them lethal to someone not Apollo), a warm grip, and Midnighter looked back into his husband's gold-specked eyes.

"I think you could use a little holiday spirit," he stated, and Midnighter let him twist his arm around, and close the distance between their lips.

If this was holiday spirit, yeah, sure, he could always use more of that.


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fan_elune December 14 2010, 17:48:54 UTC
Mwa-ha-ha, I am so not giving up dragging you over to G:YO. MID NEEDS APOLLO.


shadesofbrixton December 13 2010, 18:54:40 UTC
I don't even CARE I just want something about BIRTHDAYS because mine is on Thursday.


fan_elune December 14 2010, 15:37:36 UTC


shadesofbrixton December 14 2010, 17:47:32 UTC


fan_elune December 14 2010, 18:00:01 UTC
Wat's birthday tended to be a day he spent evading every one of his numerous siblings. He wasn't one for birthdays, neither his nor theirs, although for theirs he did make an effort.

Apparently, Geoff had decided to turn him around completely on the issue, and he was doing a bloody good job of it so far.

For starters, it was 11:30 and he still had not wished Wat a happy birthday.

It had all started that morning, when Wat had woken up to his favourite breakfast, brought to him in bed. Sausages, baked beans, scrambled eggs, buttered toast... Geoff hadn't forgotten a thing, and had acted as if it were perfectly natural.

They'd gone about their respective days as if nothing were the matter, and Geoff had even helped Wat escape when Alice had stopped by the café.

After closing, Geoff had taken him out to his favourite pub, and to the cinema, and now they were back home, thirty minutes from the end of his birthday, and it only suddenly struck Wat how difficult it must've been for Geoff, all day, to hold back his wordsHe pulled him ( ... )


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