"The end is where we start from."

Apr 06, 2008 15:46

Have just cried like a little baby in front of the Torchwood finale. Must now go make myself look presentable for work.

Was surprisingly underwhelmed by BSG premiere, though. Felt like it was half of what we should've gotten.

Burn was bloody amazing in that one scene.

starbuckapollogaiussixesfelixheloetcetc, torchwood

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Comments 10

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fan_elune April 9 2008, 13:17:07 UTC
...it's sorta wrong. I can see Jack/Gwen better than Jack/Gwen/Ianto. But then again I'm only ever against a pairing until I read a fic that convinces me otherwise...

But yes. There were a lot of tears. Even before Jack smiled.


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fan_elune April 9 2008, 15:26:29 UTC
*grabby grabby hands*

...I'm sorry, I can't have a conversation right now, Lucifer and Jack just met in my head. It's, um. Yeah.


grimma April 6 2008, 16:10:08 UTC
They had me in tears too. I agree with you on the Burn thing. It wasn't the impaled-Wash shock , but there were tears indeed. I kinda knew something was going to happen, because two years in a row and a major character only nearly dying? Nah, I know my Joss.


fan_elune April 9 2008, 13:19:02 UTC
Well, nothing is ever going to beat the Wash shock, I don't think so. And yes, they couldn't keep him alive (well, undead, or whatever), but it's sort of like Denny on Grey's - you have to know it's coming, but it's seeing it happens that breaks you. Or, well, me. Burn's performance had a lot to do with it. Man. I cared less about Tosh's death, even though she was the real surprise here.


elite April 6 2008, 17:50:26 UTC
Oh lord, that is exactly what I'm doing right now. I've got it down to a sniffle and I've destroyed this tissue.

Tosh saying it was okay and she hoped she did good really got me.


fan_elune April 9 2008, 13:19:57 UTC
See, Tosh didn't get to me that much. It was mostly all Owen. I blame Burn. Absolutely and completely. His anger got to me so much, and then how he stopped dead when Tosh told him "because it's breaking my heart." Oh, man.


melissa_mifeng April 6 2008, 18:54:21 UTC
i had to hold it together until I left the folks I was watching it with- who chose to be snarky about it. I got in the car and cried until I got home.


fan_elune April 9 2008, 13:20:54 UTC
This is why this is the sort of show I'm happy to watch on my own. Seriously. I need to be able to cry as I want/need. I don't like for other people to limit how much I will feel for a show. I can't imagine having had to hold back. *hugs*


jade_plume April 1 2009, 08:57:50 UTC
Coucou ! Désolée de spammer ton lj, mais il me semble que c'est le plus sûr moyen de te contacter ;)
Dis je commence aujourd'hui mon stage pour le site de tele7 et mon référent voudrait faire un petit reportage web sur le sous-titrage officieux du web... il me semble que tu en avais fait notamment pour Torchwood, si ça t'intéresse d'en parler (anonymement hein ;) et que tu as un peu de temps dans les jours à venir, tu me fais signe ? Et si tu as des contacts de gens qui ont fait ça (la Bad Wolf Team ?) en région parisienne, tu crois que ça les embêterait au moins que je leur pose la question ?


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