Her hair just looks so cute! Is it wrong that I want to get my hair cut like this now?
Is it possible to be any cuter? I think the straw in the soda can was just the cherry on top of the cuteness.
HAPPY KBELL! And she likes SmartWater. Hoorah!
Puppy! Even on a movie set, her love of animals shows.
This outfit is just badass. I want some RayBan aviators now.
She makes running look fun, no?
Again with the animals! She's like Dr. Doolittle or something. LOL, can't you see her doing a new remake of it?
The mural of her is just too cute. I wish I had been in NYC so I could have seen it :P
Possibly two of the cutest pictures! KBell with babies and puppies. The last one is probably one of my favorite pictures of her.
The first two are just cute outfits. And the second two...YAY ALCOHOL.
Just too cute.
Her and Josh are such a cute couple. And some of the faces they're making in these pictures are hilarious. They're totally laughing in the second picture.
Beauty shots, much? Take off the flowers and it's like the prettiest dress...and it looks so good on her.
Puppy again! Such a Roman thing...a puppy on a Vespa. Adorable.