"i talk a lot, so i've learned to just tune myself out."

Oct 02, 2010 00:27

It's kind of been a terrible week. TV was consistently good, though. Let me talk you all through that instead!
  1. how i met your mother )

tv: modern family, tv: fringe - post-ep thoughts, tv: 30 rock, tv: chuck, tv: how i met your mother, tv: castle, tv: the office, tv: fringe, tv: cougar town, tv: community

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Comments 11

hmsharmony October 1 2010, 16:55:27 UTC
The Office was terrific! I didn't expect it to be so moving. AND YES. PAM. At first I felt weird about her manipulating the hell out of everyone, but you know what? She knew what she wanted, went for it, and hurt no one in the process. A+ work, Pam.


falulatonks October 4 2010, 16:38:35 UTC
It was moving, wasn't it? Michael can really get to me that way, sneakily breaking my heart.

I love it when Pam gets all Fancy New Beesly on everyone and gets things done without hurting anyone in the process (and the fact that she did it without hurting anyone is important, because she got a little strangely bitchy last season), so this episode made me happy.


la_petite_singe October 1 2010, 18:08:46 UTC
HA, I want those MF gifs too! Several hilarious wordless moments. :D (And also, my Facebook status was "One meenute joo were there, and the next only shoooes!" five seconds after I saw the ep, because OMG LOL FOREVER.)

I LOVED TO and I am so excited that this season isn't sucking. \m/ I literally yelled out loud in horror along with Jim when they saw Dwight and Mose's 'day care center' (THE BUCKETS. THE RUSTY SHOWERS. MOSE. OH MY GOD) and I loved scheming!Pam, especially when she faced down Gabe, since he's such a sniveling little weasel that he'd let her get away with it rather than oppose Corporate. Ahahahah. Go Pam. And also, MY WHOLE BRAIN IS CRYING. I already adore Troy/Abed more than words can say, and throwing Annie in there just makes it better. <33 Good shit this week.


falulatonks October 4 2010, 16:45:04 UTC
I yelled out loud with Jim because IT WAS MOSE! And he looked gross. Ahh, I'm so glad this episode was so good. I love all these characters so much - when the episode really works, it's so familiar and warm. ♥

The youth!group of Community is surprisingly awesome together. I loved it!



zombie_boogie October 1 2010, 18:25:14 UTC
I really liked The Office this week too, for all of the reasons you said. Michael/Toby was probably my favourite. AND PAM! I really liked Pam's little scheme to become office administrator. I think she needs more scenes with Gabe, because they play well off of each other. Seriously, season 7 keep it up! AND OH GOD THE DAYCARE CENTRE LAUGHING FOREVER.

A lot of people seemed to dislike this episode of Community because the tone was off or they dislike Jeff-centric episodes. I didn't mind at all that it didn't take place in Greendale for the most part and I thought it was a great Jeff-centric episode. They haven't discussed his lawyer-ly ways in awhile so I thought that was super. And it wasn't mean-spirited, like you said! Troy/Annie/Abed was amazing. OMG "My brain is crying" and all of Troy's flounces! Annie and the chlorofoam! THE TUNNEL AND TROY'S FACE. I also loved the Senor Chang bits, because I think that is the exact right use of his character. Oh man, that little flash inside his brain while he was pop and locking. Priceless ( ... )


falulatonks October 4 2010, 16:59:20 UTC
Michael-Toby will always, always be funny to me, but it's even better when it's used to give both of them a softer, sweeter edge, and I think it really worked in this episode. Yay. :D And I think Gabe should have more scenes together as a whole! I don't know how it happened, but his scenes are becoming some of my favourites this season.

Senor Chang should be used this way more often. I'm kind of loving the way they're building him up to be a weird, crazy villain, but operating on the same level as the rest of Team Community. A little bit like the villain Syndrome in The Incredibles. He just wanted to be their friend! (Did I just compare a Pixar movie to Community?)

- The way her voice sounded when she was talking about needing to have a photographic memory?
OH MAN, I KNOW. Just the inflections in her voice, the way she carries herself and says things and everything. Anna's basically playing four strands of the same character right now (Ourlivia, Fauxlivia, Fauxlivia-pretending-to-be-Ourlivia, and Ourlivia-thinking-she's-Fauxlivia) ( ... )


specialcamper October 1 2010, 21:19:42 UTC
Barney's mother loved him that much? Wasn't she portrayed as kind of an awful mother in S2?
THANK YOU! This bothers me so much! The last episode she was in, with Barney's fake family? I hate that episode so much, I pretend it doesn't exist. Uggg... I guess I will just do the same for this past episode as well.

Oh man, 30 Rock was AMAZING.


falulatonks October 4 2010, 17:00:08 UTC
I guess I will just do the same for this past episode as well.
My canon for HIMYM ends around S2, S3, which is also the last time the writers cared about continuity. :P


(The comment has been removed)

falulatonks October 4 2010, 17:11:02 UTC
Seriously. It was all awesome this week.

My canon for HIMYM ends around S2, S3, which is also the last time the writers cared about continuity. :P


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