"and tell the drama club their tears will be real today."

May 13, 2010 22:15


And now TV - I wanted to do all of these in more detail, but I ended up not being able to be in the mood (if that makes any sense), so - Glee in detail, and for all the rest, one thing I wanted to point out and talk about a little.
  1. Glee - ( laryngitis )

movie: the adjustment bureau, tv: 30 rock, actor: matt damon, tv: parks & recreation, tv: chuck, tv (general), tv: glee, tv: doctor who, music (musicals), tv: the office, tv: community, tv: glee - rage recaps, movies: general, actor: emily blunt, actor: john krasinski

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Comments 8

irishmizzy May 13 2010, 14:51:58 UTC
I think Community is the best thing on TV right now.

Oh man, right? I keep thinking back to a while ago when I was like "I THINK I WOULD PICK PARKS AND REC AS MY FAVORITE" and now I'm like "WHAAAAAAAT, PAST ME, YOU ARE RIDICULOUS."

(God, there's this version of Touch Me that much of the original cast (I actuallly think Groff and Lea were missing? But I can't remember) sang a capella in the middle of the street during the stagehands' strike a while back and it's just -- I agree, the song just does not translate well in the recording. There's something about it that needs to be live. Or, recorded live. You know what I mean.)


falulatonks May 15 2010, 15:37:51 UTC
I would've agreed with you on this all the way up till this week's Parks episode, because I loved it SO MUCH. I can't decide this! It's too much!! Which one do I love more?!

I think I've seen that recording! I loved it a lot. You're right - it absolutely needs to be live.


zombie_boogie May 13 2010, 15:04:03 UTC
...but when we get a way to fit in someone who really is disabled, we'll get a new guy in instead of giving him more screentime - just because

Oh god, thiiiiiiiiiiis. Is it because quadriplegics are more tragic than paraplegics? I mean, why give extra screentime to Artie and add a scene between two character that we rarely see interact when you can add in a pointless guest star? HURRAY! I also really loved Kurt this episode and I totally agree that when he's separated from Mercedes and not having a vendetta against Rachel he's 10 times more fabulous.

"The Boy is Mine" was kind of my jam in middle school, but now that I think about it they really did autotune the song to the point where it sounded exactly like the original. And "Jessie's Girl" totally needed a St. Berry montage with them being dorks and making out and stuff. YAY MORE GROFF NEXT WEEK.

I agree about Community; I never know what to write about it except GUSH GUSH GUSH. They pushed the Jeff/Britta a bit too much during "Modern Warfare", but other than that they've done ( ... )


falulatonks May 15 2010, 16:07:30 UTC
- RE: paralyzed guy vs. Artie - I KNOW! And they totally ruined Rachel's storyline with that, too, because I would kind of have loved to see her trying to be something else other than The Singer, and it kind of annoyed me to go straight back to singing at the end of the episode with the guy. Booooo. Watching her interact with Artie would've made me happy. I think they have a few background moments that are really cute.

- MORE GROFF!!! And from spoilers we do get a better idea of him, so I'm so excited. I can't believe we've only had him for three episodes, like eight episodes total. I want him forever.

- I think the Jeff/Britta may have been necessary for the finale? I don't know, I'm not spoiled or anything, but they may have needed to set that up a little, or at least get the sex out of the way. And considering that, doing it in this kind of episode, where romance is just a big a trope in action movies as anything else they put in, was kind of smart.

- The Office will never be S2-awesome, but I'm glad it's not terrible. :P I ( ... )


zombie_boogie May 15 2010, 17:18:07 UTC
I accidentally on purpose read a very thorough recap for next week's episode of Glee. I don't know how I feel about the overall developments but I'm happy there will be a lot of Rachel/Jesse stuff.

I don't mind Jeff/Britta too much but I just prefer the show when it balances out the character dynamics. I liked that this week The Sex wasn't some big thing between them. Kind of refreshing. I mean, of course they'll address it later but I like how the show doesn't wallow in certain plotlines.

I'm almost positive that Daaaaamon is going to be Astronaut Mike Dexter and I AM SO EXCITED. Uniform. Guh.

I have seen the trailer! It looks very intriguing, though James pointed out that four guys controlling the lives of 6 billion people is kind of unrealistic lol.


(The comment has been removed)

falulatonks May 15 2010, 15:38:52 UTC
haha, thank you!! Glee/TV in general is what I think about during showers, and because of the terrible weather in this country I've been taking longer showers, and I've been thinking about TV more. :P


la_petite_singe May 14 2010, 23:03:11 UTC
I...am forced to agree with your analysis of Glee, really. But I love "Jessie's Girl" so much that I actually kinda don't mind it. And Cory sounded good (and he...doesn't always). And I swear they 'undid' Tina's stutter because the actress was really bad at faking it. That was just one of those awkward first-season undos. And I agree, the stuff with the paralyzed guy was just really cringey. I could see what they were going for, but it just...didn't work.

Community & TO were both pretty good; I laughed really hard at Jim and Pam's horrified faces overhearing Dwight and Angela in the warehouse. :D And I lovelovelove Spring Awakening, and I have unreasonably high hopes for Inception. Just the cast alone is awesome.


falulatonks May 15 2010, 15:41:45 UTC
Realising the structure of the show just makes me like the show more, really. :P I can appreciate it for what it gets done, even if it doesn't do it very subtly! And you're probably right about Tina - the stuttering was pretty terrible.

Do you love Spring Awakening?! I don't know, I don't hear a lot of love for it (other than in YouTube commments, ROTFL). And I'm so psyched about Inception that it's ridiculous.


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