Re: The Other Sort of Doctor-Patient Relationship 7/7
February 9 2011, 05:13:51 UTC
BRB, BONERS TO DEAL WITH. Ok, seriously, I had no idea how hot this would be. Oh god. Authoranon, would you be willing to continue this in the future? Because my boner I am dying for more.
Re: The Other Sort of Doctor-Patient Relationship 7/7
February 9 2011, 06:47:01 UTC
I love how surprisingly perceptive Butch is. He knows James is Just Not Right.
I also love the little slips in idioms, which are great signs of either how silly Butch is or, more probably, how language has evolved without the actual items being around (tomcats, bridges, etc). I also love the fact that he only got to Lithium.
In fact, I can't stop laughing over that.
I also like James, of course. I like the self-deprecating, the quiet fitting in, the being a pain in the ass to the overseer, the mater-of-fact way he touches penes [strike]James, why don't you ever touch my penis?[/strike] and is generally as bland as possible -- and still failing at being bland.
Re: The Other Sort of Doctor-Patient Relationship 7/7
July 1 2011, 14:57:53 UTC
Anooooon. This story, I had to stop and choke back giggles at times because oh god Butch. BUTCH. <3 This is so amazing I just can't be eloquent I still have this stupid huge grin plastered on my face <3
Everything about this is perfect. This is just so, Butch, that it deserves an award or something.
Because my boner I am dying for more.
I also love the little slips in idioms, which are great signs of either how silly Butch is or, more probably, how language has evolved without the actual items being around (tomcats, bridges, etc). I also love the fact that he only got to Lithium.
In fact, I can't stop laughing over that.
I also like James, of course. I like the self-deprecating, the quiet fitting in, the being a pain in the ass to the overseer, the mater-of-fact way he touches penes [strike]James, why don't you ever touch my penis?[/strike] and is generally as bland as possible -- and still failing at being bland.
Quality work, authorananon!
Thanks for writing, authornon. <333
He wondered if the Doc rated everyone's dick on a scale of one to ten. Butch thought his own dick would be an eleven.
That line just killed me.
This was funny,. and awkward and <>hot. Just... just don't ever stop, Anon.
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