Title: The New Bond
fallingemerald Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean, Sam/Castiel,
Warning(s): Slash, Multiple Orgasms, Accidental-Stimulation, Soul-Bond, and Dry Humping, oh and Wing!Kink
Spoiler(s): Fourth onward (Though not six)
Prompt(s): My own.
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Comments 10
I mean, yay, Sam/Castiel bonding fic! Also, wiiings!
It's so sweet and sexy.
Where the fuck is Dean though? lol
You have no idea how much it amuses me we both wrote multiple orgasms fic in the same week.
I'm glad you liked it /grins. I really did intend the bond thing to have more of an impact on this fic but...it sorta ran away with itself.
Really? I dunno, I'm sorta disgruntled with it.
XD He's in the first part dear, unless you skipped it for the porn :P
Really? XD I didn't know that we did. Niceee
We totally did, by the way. Only mine had sex-pollen and was Dean/Castiel. Hee.
Nice, I approve of sex-pollen and once I feel like I can write smut properly again I think I'll steal that kink.
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And yeah I was going for humor when I first started, just a tad, but when I reread it it just felt really cracky to me.
/grins And I definitely will add more to it. (I'm totally not obsessed or anything with soul bonds.) I just have a few fics on the top of my list to finish.
<3 Thankies
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Haha I actually probably should write something for it. I've been busy with a lot of other fics that are on the burner.
Oops, thanks, didn't catch that. :)
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