Sep 17, 2007 16:27
Is there a lightweight website that uses ajax or flash such that someone can work a wacom tablet and sketch out visual ideas, while other people can watch live and in realtime?
Even just a constantly updating GIF or PNG, like a cheap webcam server, would do.
No ActiveX, no plugins.
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Comments 3
One is a simple intuitive interface.
The ability to save strokes and have playback of the drawing in progress. The ability to send out for viewing either the completed drawing or the drawing in progress.
The ability to have muliple people viewing the drawing as it is being created.
The ability for the people in the session to draw on the white board to collaborate ideas.
The only drawback is that it requires server-side Java which is sort of annoying to deal with if you don't already have it for something else (client-side is all Flash).
Here's a blog post where a guy discusses creating a shared whiteboard with it (I haven't actually tried this code myself).
The Red5 folks have pretty much reverse-engineered the entire RTMP wire protocol, so a sufficiently motivated programmer could probably reproduce it in another language without too much trouble (especially if you only needed a subset of the functionality).
Joe Armstrong's new book on programming Erlang (which I just started learning) shows an example of parsing an IPV4 packet in a single pattern-matching operation. There are similar examples for COFF binaries, MP3 files, etc., so I'd guess that RTMP would be just about as easy (emphasis on the "guess", I'm a newb with Erlang, as I said). Plus it'd give you a reason to learn Erlang, if you haven't already. It's seriously cool stuff from what I've seen so far.
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