OOC Information:
Name: Mary-Ann
Age: 29
AIM: Princessinfinity
E-MAIL: shrewbuddy86 at yahoo dot com
IC Information:
Name: Peter Petrelli
Fandom: Heroes
Timeline: From Season 1, Episode 20: "Five Years Gone". Episode details can be found
Age: 31 years old, as of his canon break in November 2011. His birthdate is December 23, 1979.
Appearance: Peter is of Italian descent, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a birth defect that causes his lower lip to droop slightly, and a scar that begins over his right eyebrow and extends across his left cheek from an accident involving a sword. He could easily allow either imperfection to heal but he chooses not to. He is 5'9, with a slightly athletic, slim build. He prefers to dress in black, and often wears a long black trenchcoat.
Abilities: Peter has the ability of empathic mimicry. When he encounters a person with a special ability, his body automatically rewrites his DNA to accommodate said ability for his own use. At this time, the extent of his assumed powers is unknown, as his newly acquired abilities usually manifest themselves in times of extreme duress. Once an ability has manifested, it helps while using it for Peter to think of the person from whom it originated. With practice he can almost if not fully master an ability, and is capable of using more than one ability at a time if necessary.
Some of his abilities include:
Precognitive dreaming
Rapid-cell regeneration
Space-time manipulation
Personality: Peter is a loner, and mostly keeps to himself. For the last five years he has carried the guilt of being the cause of the deaths of eight million people, and he blames himself for being too weak to control the power that caused the catastrophe. Living his life each day with this hidden truth has been a struggle.
He was once a hopeless dreamer, and believed his life was headed for a great purpose, but five years of guilt, regret, and self-inflicted isolation from his friends and family have taken their toll, and he has convinced himself and those around him that he has let go of such idealism. But recently he was given the chance to redeem himself: deep down he still believes that anything is possible thanks to the good inherent in humanity, and will steadfastly stand up for what he believes to be right.
Peter enjoys a good fight, but he will not intentionally kill another person unless it is absolutely necessary, and even with all his devastating power he prefers to incapacitate an enemy. There is only one person in the world whom he wants to kill: Sylar.
He is a man driven by emotion over reason, and his empathy oftentimes causes him to be affected by the emotional states of others around him. As of his canon break, he has just discovered his brother Nathan is actually deceased, and has been for the past five years. During this time his relationship with ‘Nathan’ has been distant, and the truth still hasn’t quite sunken in yet. He is mostly confused and angry, and has not even had the chance to mourn yet.
History: Peter is the younger son of Arthur and Angela Petrelli, and the younger brother of Nathan Petrelli. His parents oftentimes overlooked him in favor of their elder son, and he grew up mostly in the shadow of his brother's successes even though he performed more than adequately in school himself. He attended a private Catholic high school in Manhattan, and completed four years of college and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. He worked briefly as a hospice nurse before his life changed considerably after the emergence of his special ability of empathic mimicry at the age of twenty-six, due to the occurrence of a solar eclipse. The exact method of activation by the eclipse is unknown.
He had always believed he was destined for some greater purpose in his life, and he set out to understand his ability and use it for this purpose. However, he ran across a man named Ted Sprague who possessed the ability of induced radioactivity, and Peter was not strong enough to control it. He went nuclear in the middle of New York City, leaving it a radioactive wasteland and killing eight million people. His brother used this happening to his advantage, and moved his way up the ranks from Congressman to the Presidency, covering up the fact that Peter was the cause of the explosion and instead deflected the blame on a predatory special who called himself Sylar. In return, Peter was to maintain a low-key existence, which he did for the next five years.
During this time, because of Sylar’s dangerous abilities, the United States government put legislation into effect that persecuted and detained people who possessed extraordinary abilities such as Peter. He managed to stay off the radar until it was brought to his knowledge that past incarnations of the people he had known were attempting to change his past and stop the explosion from ever happening, and he decided he must help in any way he could. In doing so, he discovered that the current President of the United States, his brother Nathan, was actually Sylar masquerading in his form, and that his brother had truly been dead for the last five years. Sylar had murdered him and taken his place, and been the true cause of the anti-special policies put into effect. Peter confronted him, but the result of that fight is unknown.
Additional Info:
Rating: G - NC17.
Death: With a plot.
Smut: With a plot. Slash and het are both fine by him.
Roleplay Sample - Log:
Some people considered Peter Petrelli the most powerful one of them all, but he knew it wasn’t the truth. He had let the last five years go by without him, watched life get harder and harder for everyone like him, and was unable to lift a finger to help them. All because he had made that deal with Nathan.
I tell them the explosion was caused by Sylar, and you stay out of my way, Peter. Do you understand me?
Yes, Peter had understood. Now he could only wonder: after that day, when was the last time he had actually spoken with his brother and not with the man who had killed him and taken his place?
It didn’t matter. His brother was dead, and all deals were off.
Peter gingerly walked through the wreckage of what had once been Isaac’s loft, now filled from wall to wall with a strange map made of string and pictures and snippets of paper. Hiro had explained it all to him, how he had been trying to go back to the start of it all, stop the explosion from ever happening. If Peter hadn’t destroyed New York, eight million people would still be alive, and that number now included his brother Nathan. Even worse, Sylar was now the President of the United States, and he had to be stopped before even more people lost their lives.
Hiro was supposed to meet him here. Where was he?
He had spoken with him just hours before, and Hiro had given him strict instructions to go on without him if he didn’t show by... Peter checked his watch. Five minutes ago.
He hoped he was strong enough to change this timeline without help. Even though Peter was the most powerful, he didn’t know if that would be enough.
Peter closed his eyes and tapped into Hiro’s power, and the familiar momentary weightlessness of space-time travel overcame him. But when he opened his eyes again, he was not where he’d expected to be. Not at all.
This wasn’t his apartment in New York City five years in the past. It looked like... a hospital room. No, not quite. More like a room in a psychiatric ward. All white walls. Everything metal, and bolted to the floor.
He closed his eyes again, but this time there was nothing, as if his power had completely shut down.
Or was blocked.
Peter was still here, wherever here was.
Roleplay Sample - Journal:
Hiro warned me about the dangers inherent in space-time travel. He showed me the extent of the work that went into his convoluted, intricate map of time, and the reasoning behind every string it contained. He told me I couldn’t just go off half-cocked with an impulsive, heroic reason behind my decisions to change the past. One wrong step and things would be changed for the worse, not better, and not only for myself, but for everyone. He called it the “butterfly effect”.
I spent countless hours with him returning to the past and gleaning information. I took all his advice to heart, committed it to memory in order to save my brother, and save the city I destroyed. I was determined to fix the mess that I allowed my life to become.
I thought I listened. I really did. But it seems Hiro was right. I can’t get out of this one.
My powers are close to useless right now. The Haitian’s ability must be blocking my own, all of them. But there’s no sign of him anywhere, and I don’t even know where I am.
Hiro was right. One wrong step, and everything changes for the worse.
I don’t know how I know I’ve failed, but I’m sure of it.
This game includes horrible mental and physical torture of your character. After reading the rules/faq for clarification, how do you expect your character to handle this and continue to function?
Peter has secretly harbored guilt over his terrible secret for the past five years, a self-inflicted mental torment, compounding it down and avoiding it in order to keep on living. Combined with the fact that he’s just discovered the man he thought was his brother, the closest person to him over the course of his entire life, was being impersonated by his mortal enemy Sylar, he is extremely angry and has not even begun to deal with it. Additional mental and/or physical torment added to his already tenuous hold on his emotional stability at the present moment may cause him to reach his breaking point and lash out at others around him, and because he is so powerful he may cause extreme damage to his surroundings, injuries, or casualties. Because he is empathic, Peter may very well feel so oppressed by the emotional onslaught of others suffering around him that he may become depressed and shut down completely.