Drabble Prompt Thingie [Mark 5]

Aug 30, 2007 23:08

It's that time again!

As you all know, work has been consuming me for a while. Well, I recently quit, but I've been having trouble reclaiming my writing mojo, soooo ... you know the drill!

Post a prompt and Djinn will write you a drabble! )


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Comments 39

hllangel August 31 2007, 04:35:00 UTC

Jack/Ianto - in public


fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 04:53:30 UTC
... and really, it wasn't as if Jack hadn't kissed all of them at one point or another, it was just that he kissed Ianto often enough and publicly enough that it was all but some sort of demonstrable claiming which ... which, well, shouldn't have been at all appealing, for one. Ianto was not the type of person that liked being manhandled by tall, dark-haired, good-looking men in suspenders with liberal views on sexual morality and propriety. Really he wasn't.

But then again, while Ianto had known several tall, dark-haired, good-looking men in his lifetime, none of them had really been anything like Jack Harkness, who could wink and smirk and come back from the dead without even mussing his hair.

No, it was Ianto's hair that got mussed, belying his button-downed, shirt-and-tie persona when Jack tangled his fingers in it and kissed him, long and hard, in front of Gwen and Tosh and god and everybody.

(~160 words. Blargh, my Torchwood-fu is rather out of date. I hope that this offering pleases you, regardless.)


hllangel August 31 2007, 05:08:12 UTC
Mmmmm. Wonderful.

(and now more pimping, 'cause I'm like that.

check out tardis_bigbang)


skyearth85 August 31 2007, 08:14:26 UTC
OoO! *add to favorites, 'cause is sweet, hot and good written*


(The comment has been removed)

fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 05:33:59 UTC
"I'm telling you, Doc," Daniel Messer slurred, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, "I'm just a normal twenty-first century guy in a ... what-th'-fuck-every century this is world."

"Well ... yes, I would have to say that's a fair assessment, yes." The Doctor said, squinting slightly myopically at the bottle in front of him. "Is that a problem?"

"Is that a-- listen, I'm all for exploration and whatnot, but there is some green thing over there that's been giving me the eye all night, and this stuff you gave me to drink--" here Danny gestured wildly with the glass in his hand, surprisingly spilling very little, "makes it keep looking better and better."

The Doctor glanced over at the corner of the bar Danny was indicating. "Well, he is rather attractive for a Teluvian." He said thoughtfully. "And we don't have any plans for the rest of the night. Don't let me stop you."

Danny's head hit the bar with a dull thud. "Oh man. What I wouldn't give for a hot cup of Mac's coffee right now."

(~180 words. Sorry, I'm not really ( ... )


empressaurelius August 31 2007, 06:23:58 UTC
Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, first (mutual) kiss, angsty/romantic, precursor to sex.


fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 18:00:51 UTC
The thing was ... the thing was, Ianto didn't even really like Jack all that much some of the time. Good looks and charm could only take one so far, and as far as Ianto was concerned, Jack was not really a good person. He didn't value life the way other did, not even his own, and whatever his motives were, they were not to make the world a better place, or a safer place. Jack was a mystery, and there were times that Ianto was convinced that he didn't really want to discover the truth of him.

But then again ... well, there was also something about Jack that was so sad, so desperate, so utterly vulnerable, that Ianto couldn't really bring himself to resent him as much as he sometimes wanted to. Ianto wasn't quite sure what Jack saw when he looked at him, when he reached out and curled a hand around the nape of his neck to pull him close, but whatever it was, whatever he saw, that sheer want in his eyes made it impossible to say no when he was pulled close and Jack kissed him like he was dying.

(~200 words. Well, it's not so obvious, ( ... )


empressaurelius August 31 2007, 18:25:48 UTC
*Beams* Oooh, I love it. It feels very IC to me, and yes, you certainly went for the angst! Thanks so much, hon! :D


eryslash August 31 2007, 08:33:49 UTC
Since there are Buffy and Firefly, I can assume Angel is okay too?


fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 18:01:39 UTC
uhm ... well, as long as you don't expect too much knowledge of the series plot. I only watched the fifth season, and then only for James Marsters. =P


eryslash August 31 2007, 19:28:25 UTC
Okay then: Spike/Wesley, elevator. *secret kink* Thanks :)


fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 22:12:57 UTC
His first impulse, when he saw who was holding the door for him, was t turn around and take the stairs, but the challenging look on the vampire's face triggered that strange, competitive part of Wesley's psyche, and he couldn't let Spike see him running away. He couldn't"Hi there, Percy," Spike drawled in that infuriatingly imprecise amalgamated slum accent he claimed, "going down ( ... )


kohlrimmedeye August 31 2007, 10:10:13 UTC
Torchwood Owen/Ianto, "Have you ever killed anyone?" OR CSI:NY Danny/Flack with the same prompt. (Am letting you pick which one you want to write, because I'm in that sort of mood. I'm not trying to get two, I promise!)



fallen_arazil August 31 2007, 18:17:56 UTC
The level of scotch in the bottle between the two of them was quickly descending. Apparently, there wasn't a lot that Ianto had never done. Owen had quickly exhausted his usual library of bizarre sexual positions and partners, and there were not a lot of places that Ianto had never been or things he had never done. Owen was pretty well and truly drunk by the time he narrowed his eyes as Ianto and slurred out, curiously, "I've never killed anybody."

Ianto looked a bit shocked for a moment, the alcohol impairing his usual ability to remain cool an implacable, and then he reached out, tipped the scotch into his glass, and took a shaky drink. He put the glass down a bit hard when he'd finished, the sound loud in Owen empty apartment, and they both stared at it for a moment with drunken fascination. Ianto finally liked his lips and said, carefully, "I've never--"

"No." Owen said, pulling the glass out of Ianto hand, their fingers tangling around it for a moment, strangely intimate. "That's enough."

(~180 words. Uhm, in case it isn't ( ... )


karaokegal September 1 2007, 22:25:08 UTC
Very clever. Me Likee.


kohlrimmedeye September 3 2007, 10:14:14 UTC
Oh God. That was utterly gorgeous. I like the idea that Ianto has done all the weird kinky stuff Owen was trying to catch him out with (heh heh). Your last line killed me. It's just so... God, I can just see that.

It didn't need to be the exact quote :D




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