Blind Date - ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided) - Ch4/??

Oct 07, 2013 16:27

Title: Blind Date
Chapters: 4/??
Author: fallen_am_i
Genre: Romance, comedy, slice of life, AU
Warnings: Boylove, silliness, scenes of sexual intercourse, but that will come later, language
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing: ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided)
Synopsis: Love is blind, really blind, even on blind dates. Some times it is so blind, that you might have fallen for someone who is not whom you think to be...
Disclaimer: I own the story only...
Coments: A big thank you to xme_chanx for beta reading :3

Chapter 4:


Tora groaned as he shifted on the bed, making small, whinny sounds as he commanded his weak hands to cover his body with the messy sheets. He was feeling uncomfortable, denying to open his eyes just yet. His head hurt and his stomach was way more swirling than a brand new washing machine. Oh right... He had drank the night before, a hell lot. The missing parts had started to get on place slowly. He had that blind date with... Pon... who never showed up and let him waiting the entire evening... Such a failure really! One drink follo9wed the other and he tends to be such a crybaby when on alcohol and grumpy... He frowned, throwing a hand at the length of the bed carelessly, though it never landed on the soft and flexible mattress. Where it landed was much softer and he could also hear a growl in pain accompanying the thud.

Oh, right! Ha had picked someone from the bar! A hazel eye was cracked open, giving an examining glance at the naked man beside him. Redhead, cute and good-looking... He sighed in relief. Those night were always a worry the day after, a worry about the surprise he would bring back home. It was a good thing that the guy was as handsome as he remembered him to be before he got drunk! Was he also good at bed? Tora hummed. That was something he couldn't really remember, and it would usually take more than just cans of beer to not remember a good performance... He hissed softly as he stood up, everything dancing in waves around him. There was something else he had forgotten from last night's events, something important...

He scratched his neck lazily, trying to bring back more memories from the night before. Nao and his sharp jokes, the guy sleeping next to him... Oh yes, Shou! He was sick, he should check on him later, to see if his aching stomach was in better condition. But... He frowned, squeezing his mind a little more. There was something else he was forgetting, something that was giving him a kick in his insides, something he really should remember...

“What the..”

It was impossible to think anymore as aloud mixture of doorbells and thuds on his door invaded his ears, making his heartbeat go wild and his entire nerve system to drum like a set of hammers. So irritating, making his teeth gritting, his voice ready to shout out loudly for some silence! And then, he heard that hoarse tone he knew clearly well, that only one person he knew had in special occasions. And those special occasions were when he was pissed off with Tora and just Tora.

“Will you finally open the door? I can just knock till I break it down!”


Oh, shitty-shit. Saga. What Tora forgot was his best friend and the call in the middle of the night, asking to come and pick him up. That was pretty bad. The dark-haired man stood up, shoving in rush the shoulders of the sleeping stranger.

“You'd better wake up now and leave...” he mumbled, in a way warning the man for his own good. An angry Saga was bad omen.

With wobbly feet he stood up, snatching his bed-sheet and wrapping it around his waist. If he had ignored the brunet a little more, all of his neighbors would have come out of their apartments.

“What takes you so long? Are you still trying to fuck him? Poor boy!”

The door opened in a violent way but what was more violent was Tora's grasp, pulling his friend inside and slamming the door shut.

“Are you completely crazy?” He held Saga's arms tightly, keeping him close till he saw those brown eyes widen, losing their raging flame. “It is.. early..” he mumbled awkward, setting the man's hands free and looking away. “I...” he licked his lips. “About yesterday... I am so-”

“Sorry, I know...” Saga rolled his eyes and snapped, shoving an item roughly on the other's lap and grinning as he heard a gasp. “I am tired of this crap! I run for your sorry ass, I leave everything to come and babysit you an you just ditch away with another slut like yourself! Gosh! I wander why I was such an idiot to skip that party!” He roamed around the room, glaring at Tora's scattered clothes on the floor.

“Wait, skipped?” Tora asked surprised, walking closer to the brunet. “I thought you couldn't help me exactly because of that party!”

Saga froze, feeling sweat running down his neck and spine. “Of course I went to the party!” His voice got harsher, offensive as he picked up a pair of black boxers off the tiles. “I just... stayed a little because of you! A-and it was like skipping! For fuck's sake, put something on!”

There was no time to wonder why the brunet seemed so red out of a sudden as Tora's reflexes were activated in order to catch the flying boxers just before they landed on to his face, letting the CD down in a rush. It's cover shone in the light as it touched the surface of the coffee table and then the taller man noticed something that made his hazel eyes gleam in anger. A large scratch, beginning at the one side of the cover and ending to the other.

“What the hell is this?” He approached the other with loud stomps, almost rubbing the CD in Saga's face. “How did you DARE to do that to my CD!”

Tora had a special relation with his things and especially with those he thought as precious to him. That certain CD was always hidden behind a glass frame, to protect it from any damages and also to keep it as a nice show-off. A year ago he was waiting for hours at the backstage after a concert, holding that CD dearly as he was watching it being signed by every member of Korn. It was his one and only treasure, the thing he was bragging about the most and Saga knew it. In fact, he was right beside him at that concert, keeping Tora company and smiling softly as they left, with their cause accomplished. So why on earth did he do that!

“Were you that angry that you left the party?” He growled, squeezing Saga's shoulder. “Did you finally find someone to get laid and I ruined it?”

“Just shut the fuck up!” Voice raging and breath hitching as Saga pulled back, caressing his aching shoulder and shooting back a threatening glare. “After years of friendship you think that I am that low to break it? Blame yourself for taking the CD out for a guy you don,t even know! I am not allowed to touch it but wait, I forgot, a good impression and fuck is much more important than a friendship! Sagacchi will always be there for you, won't he?”

Some seconds passed, some silent seconds, but those words were still echoing loudly in Tora's buzzing ears. It was quite usual for the brunet to be on edge and really harsh with him but that was more than just this. Tora should be the angry one but Saga was even angrier, infuriated and hurt.

“Wait a moment Saga...” he tried to move closer to his friend, only to make him move away again. Tora bit his lip, recognizing more defensive behavior to the man than the usual. “What is wrong? I know that you don't approve blind dates and that you always criticize my actions but that;s too much! It's like you hate me right now and I would like to know why!” he sat on the sofa desperate, his hazel eyes looking in worry at his best friend. “What is it that makes you so mad with me? I can;t believe it,s just the CD and I can't really imagine, so please-”

“Do you really want to know?” Saga could hear his voice breaking down by Tora's ignorance to everything but well, it was always like that. He gulped nervously as he got back only a nod as an answer. It was so strange that finally had come the time to talk about this. He was always imagining it under a cool atmosphere, nighttime and after many beers. The fact that it was morning and they were both sober was making his stomach a mess and his heart ready to stop beating, though that would spare him the trouble. He was afraid to listen the words he knew he would, afraid to accept for ever and ever the rejection he was going to receive. And h about their friendship? That would totally be ruined. Though... He huffed, looking sideways at the dark-haired man. Was that situation even considered as a friendship anymore?

“Okay...” he sighed, the air escaping his lungs in shaky waves. “I will tell you..” he folded and unfolded his fingers a lot of times, testing Tora's patience quite a lot as he finally opened his mouth, hidden thoughts slowly transforming into words.

“You see...” he licked his lips in stress, “When we f-”

Tora knew better than anyone that Saga hated being interrupted when he had something important to say and that's why he was standing silent and completely focused on the man;s words, startled as he heard the creaking sound of a door, the one on his bedroom. Dammit, right when he thought things couldn't get any worse! Saga stopped talking instantly, biting his lips harshly as his brown eyes fell on a redhead man, looking awkwardly at the two of them. Tora could swear that jolts of electricity were pinching his skin, for it was such big the tension that was risen in his living-room in mere moments.

“You know what, I think I am done talking here...” the brunet stood up, limbs trembling as he was barely holding his temper anymore. “Have fun with your twink, since you kept him overnight... Rare for you...”

“Saga...” Tora could barely force his brain to think as he looked from the stranger to Saga and back again. “Wait a moment! He is leaving and we really need to talk!you are my best-”

The door slammed in his face before he could finish his words. Why would he forget the man in his room at a time like this? His eyes scanned nervously for his cellphone, though he already knew that he would just listen to the voice mail Saga had when his phone was turned off. He looked at the numb red-head nervously.

“I am sorry for this, but you really have to go now...” he sighed, wearing the dropped boxers fast and looking around for pants and a T-shirt. “I have some serious searching to do...”


“I think I am in love!” Shou exhaled dreamily as he sat down on a stool at the bar Nao was working. It worked as a coffee shop in the mornings and after a few hours of sleep Nao was there again, a little tired but still his usual, supporting self. He was not a day person, so he was more than happy to have the company of a friend as he was taking over for an ill co-worker.

“Don,t tell me!” he grinned, moving fast to make Shou's favorite flavored coffee.

“Oh I will!” Shou insisted, grinning like an idiot. “Though it's early yet for announcements like this but...” he sighed. “Gorgeous and so sweet, I still can;t believe I met him!”

“You should believe it though, along with the consequences...” Nao had the strict look of a teacher as he placed a steaming mug if front of his friend, along with some cookies. “Don't forget what you did yesterday, and don't try telling me shit like you don't know what I am implying to...”

Shou nodded slightly, his fingers playing with the tips of the glasses he was wearing. “I'll talk to Tora the soonest I can, maybe even today! I never used to do reckless things like that and I can't go on with it...”

“Then you'd better start practicing...” Shou's eyes widened as Nao was focused somewhere behind him, waving softly and mumbling under his teeth. “I bet you'll have your chance in less than three seconds...”

Before Shou could proceed what was going on a hand patted him friendly on his back, making him almost jump on his feet. Tora waved at his friends and sat down, ordering blankly black coffee and scanning the place in detail.

“He is not here!” Nao rushed to answer with a teasing grin.

“I don't really care about him so just make my coffee and shut up!” he huffed, hiding his tired eyes behind a large pair of shades.

“Is that so? Then you also don,t care to know that Saga called here a while ago, leaving a message in case you would come searching for him...”

There was no reply, just a slow sipping of coffee, though the dark-haired man's ears were stretched up, waiting for the message that Nao was refusing to deliver.

“Just tell me already...” He growled in irritation, snorting as the barman was slowly wiping some mugs and plates. “I looked everywhere for that idiot except for his house... He tends to be dangerous when he is locked in there...” Tora frowned, remembering the image of an angry black dog running after him and Saga encouraging it. That damned Chiko was too faithful to his master to hunt anyone else down if only the brunet would ask for it.

“That idiot told me to not look for him and to fuck off. Also, he asked me to explain to you that the CD was scratched before Saga came here, because you were too much of a dickhead to listen to him...”

“Shit!” Tora rubbed his temple in thought, his lips pursing troubled. “Hell will fall upon me till he forgives me again!” He sighed, eyes widening as he looked at Shou examining him in worry. “Are you alright?” he tried to change the subject, waiting in interest for an answer. “Nao told me about your stomach...”

A loud cough echoed around as Nao moved away with some dishes that needed washing up. Right... As if Shou didn't have enough stress already...

“I am good now, thank you and excuse me for leaving like that...” he took sometime to think, drinking a long sip of his coffee. “You know, about yesterday... Nao told me that... Pon didn't come in the end and all this sounds like a bad joke, haha...”

He was not persuasive to even himself, let alone the dark-haired man, who was glaring at him suspiciously.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, well...” Shou gulped, praying in gods and demons alike for more courage. “What if all of this was someone's doing? That would be ridiculous, right? If it was true, I mean...”

His tensed laughter didn't help Tora calm down though, who was just getting more and more serious and thoughtful about it.

“I can only think of two people who would do that...” he almost growled, shaking his head in denial. “No, no! The most suspicious one was not here, Saga was at that party after all... But again... There was someone else with me... Right Shou?”

The look Shou received from his friend was more than just cold and blunt. It was threatening. “Well...” Shou pulled off his glasses by instinct, they were too expensive to be broken by a furious fist. “Y-You see when-”

“Not only I lost my date, but also my favorite CD was scratched. And on top of that, Saga gives me hell now! If all this was because of someone, I would have made sure to make him live the same hell as me!”

“Tora, it was just an hypothesis!” Shou rushed to answer, feeling his strength escaping from the door and guilt surrounding him tightly. “But even if it was like that, I-”

“Who talked about you?” Tora raised his brows in surprise. “I was talking about Nao, who loves messing up with me...”

Oh. so, Nao was on top of suspicion. That felt so wrong and unfair and Shou needed to fix it up somehow... What felt more wrong though was his relief that he was out of the dark-haired man's rage. Shou gulped, clean his mind from any feelings and think hard, to rebuild the balance he broke. Maybe it was not the right time yet, maybe it was not even needed to confess about it, in case Hiroto would never call him for a second date. Or maybe he was just an idiot...

“Nao woud never do that!” he retorted boldly. “He loves teasing you, but he wouldn't go that far!” he blushed, bathing in his own sweat. “It was just a stupid thought! There is no way that anyone would be so stupid to do something like this!” he kept lecturing himself inwardly, repeating how much of a coward he was and that he would talk to Tora eventually about it, as soon as things would calm down a little. “Just forget it...”

“You are right...” the taller man agreed, drinking some more of his coffee and waving some money to Nao. “I have something more important to do... Can you believe that I still care about him, even though Saga is an ass? That is what I call love between friends!”

Shou almost choked on his coffee and Nao shot a death glare towards the dark-haired man, his nose wrinkling. They waved at Tora quickly, hoping that he wouldn't mention that friendly love to Saga, if he wanted to remain alive, that is!”

When Tora left, Shou looked apologetically at Nao, as he was not courageous enough to tell the truth. He tilted his head in wander though as what he got back was not a frown nor a glare in irritation. It was a grin instead.

“Hey...” he looked weirded out at the bartender, brows furrowing in thought. “Shouldn't you be angry and strict, you know, your usual self when something is not right?”

“I think I should, but...” Nao smirked, placing some clean glasses behind the bar. “I guessed you wouldn't do it anyway!” He laughed, leaning on the wooden surface of the bar. “Just make sure to talk to him soon, alright? Or things won't turn good...”

And with that little warning he left his fried and customer alone, to sink in his thoughts. Talk to Tora... Shou snorted. It sounded just as a simple task, but in reality it needed more guts that someone could imagine. He sucked in a breath, closing his eyes in thought. Maybe nothing would happen. He snorted, sipping some more coffee. As if anything serious would come from something as stupid as all this!


A/N: I am still alive, in fact more alive than i ever was... i am back, and probably i won,t have the excuse anymore of studying to delay that much. I dropped out. It was really difficult a deciion but i finally had the guts to face my parents and do it... What of now/ unemployed and looking something book-related, hoping to manage to become an edittor one day... *sighs* Now, back here...  :) We finally have some interaction between Tora and Saga, i delayed that a lot, meh meh xD I hope you enjoy this chappy, i'll be back soon with more... :)
Comments are always appreciated :)

shou x hiroto, tora x saga

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