Blind Date - ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided) - Ch3/??

Apr 28, 2013 01:14

Title: Blind Date
Chapters: 3/??
Author: fallen_am_i
Genre: Romance, comedy, slice of life, AU
Warnings: Boylove, silliness, scenes of sexual intercourse, but that will come later, language
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing: ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided)
Synopsis: Love is blind, really blind, even on blind dates. Some times it is so blind, that you might have fallen for someone who is not whom you think to be...
Disclaimer: I own the story only...
Coments: A big thank you to xme_chanx for beta reading :3

Chapter 3:

“I hope you like it here, it’s my favorite place in town!” Shou’s wide brown eyes gleamed in excitement as he stepped in the classy restaurant with the perfect food and that sweet scent from a past century. Everything, from windows and tiles till plates and even the waiters’ outfits had an air from abroad and especially from the decade of thirties, full of nice music and lost romanticism. He was a little nervous as the blond guy let out no response, not even an irritated huff! He turned around to apologize but only a soft smile was able to be placed on his full lips. Hiroto was looking around in awe, stepping in some kind of fantasy he seemed to like and Shou just laughed gently, enjoying that cute little view of the others’ surprised face.

“Oh!” That laugh seemed to bring the boy back, cheek painted in a hue of pink as he looked at the taller man. “It is amazing…” He was still looking around, gaping. “It reminds me of those old European movies, you know… The classic ones…” he chuckled, placing some stray strands of blond hair behind his ear shyly. “It’s strange though…”

“Strange?” Shou asked, motioning gently towards an isolated table for two, close to the window. It was clear night and the stars were more shiny than ever.

“Hmm…” the blond followed him slowly, his eyes gleaming even more in interest as time passed. “Strange indeed… The restaurant, the table we are sitting at, the view! I was expecting you to be blunter and less romantic…”

Shit. That was a really important thing he had forgotten. Tora would never think of classy places, low candlelight and stars. He was more simpleminded and preferred small bars for good booze and a nice fuc- what the hell was that sweet guy doing with him anyway! Hiroto had nothing to do with Tora’s usual lovers and the free, no strings attached sex. He seemed different to them, way different and that softened Shou more, making him want to protect the boy. He felt kind of easier as he thought that he was actually saving the blond from that tiger’s glutton teeth, but again it all had to do with his own insecurity and uneasiness. And then he remembered that someone was waiting for an answer, coming back to reality.

“Everyone has a romantic side inside them… Mine is… not that visible sometimes, but… Let’s just say that I feel romantic today!” Such a lame excuse but still Hiroto nodded, with his brown eyes checking out of the window.

“You even remembered that, didn’t you? That I love stars… It’s so beautiful here, tonight…”

“Uh…” Shou stood dumbfounded for mere moments, only to agree boldly a little later. “Of course I would remember that!” He chuckled nervously and sighed, noting own the small fact he acquired. He should be careful, or everything would be blown away.

“I am glad that you like it…” And also relieved. He was partly afraid that he would look boring to the other but luckily things seemed to work out well for the time being. He slowly grabbed a menu from the table, watching as Hiroto did the same and he started searching for a new and interesting dish, enjoying the silence that fell over them. As much as he enjoyed that guy’s company, Shou really needed some time to think, focus and realize what exactly he was doing. He snorted. He was supposed to be mature and serious, yet he was dragges in a complete madness!


“Shou’s eyes kept scanning the long lines with his index finger travelling down the pages, ready to stop at something he would find suiting the occasion. Should he order something like lobster to impress the younger man? Or maybe something rare and unique? Though that wouldn’t really matter in the end…


Maybe a soup… He hummed, a little irritated as Tora seemed to ignore the question and that was- OH. RIGHT. Fucking Tora.

“Uhm… Yes?” he asked softly, his brown orbs shifting away from the menu shyly. “Sorry, I was wandering what to order and…” The sound of a chuckle made his heart melt.

“It’s alright…” Hiroto grinned and tilted his head oh so cutely. “I was curious about the drinks… What are you going to order in a place like this?”

“Wine of course!” Shou snorted proudly. “Some French, red wine…Or would you rather some champagne? What do you-“

Of course Hiroto would gape, as everyone else who knew a few things about Tora would. That man would rather drink poison than these… ‘sissy’, as he liked to call them, drinks. Surely talking from the internet doesn’t allow someone to know much, but that blond guy seemed to have an image about his date that Shou was ruining, little by little.

“Maybe some beer?” He asked rhetorically. He hated beer and its bitter taste, but he would do anything to keep the night in good spirits. Hiroto seemed to relax again and the other decided to pretend that that yellow disgusting thing was red and tasted like grapes and not like shit. There was no doubt that something had got into him as he was acting out of emotions and only, out of instinct, like a wild animal. Well, he was romantic but that was too much! Then again… he was in a restaurant with someone who made his heart skip a beat and he just hoped that all that silliness of his was worth it.

Talk was easy and the jokes delightful. It was a first for Shou, feeling that wonderful with someone and drowned in a mud of guilt at the same time. He couldn’t care less though as he kept listening to that soft voice and the childish giggle, feeling more and more captivated from the blonde’s eyes. He learned a few things about his life, about his lovely pet dog and more things about the stars, taking in how lovely Hiroto was as he moved strands of hair behind his ears, or when he was smiling, with his cheek leaning on his palms. It was the most amazing date he’d ever had, though someone else should be sitting on his chair instead of him. That thought was enough for his mind to be filled with guilt again, he should talk to Tora the next day, either things went well or not. He would stand every curse or punch even and he would explain his feelings about the petite blond man. Shou was always a good and caring friend and this time he was out of his mind because of Hiroto and his pretty grin. And he hoped that Tora would understand, that all those years he would have also felt that strong feeling, even once. Love, right? Everyone falls in love, even that reckless tiger…


“I hope you had as much fun as I did…” Shou exclaimed softly as they got out of the restaurant, buttoning his coat quickly.

“Hmm… Maybe…” A small chuckle and a playful wink, something that looked like a rather good sign.

“Oh, just admit it already!” Shou laughed. “There is proof all over your face that you had fun!”

“Oh, really?” Hiroto grinned, moving closer slightly. “Would you like to present it to me, then?”

The other grinned, eyes gleaming as his cold hand was raised up, slowly reaching the blonde’s soft cheek. “First of all, your eyes shine pleased… I am good at that!” Shou laughed softly, being thankful for hanging around Nao lots of hours! They had surely helped… “Your cheeks are red and trust me, they were so before we got out!” He brushed the smooth skin with his knuckles, apologizing lowly as Hiroto shivered from the cold feeling. “And last but not least, your smile… You have been smiling for hours and the more time we spent, the wider it got…” He smiled gently as his fingers trailed over those full lips, getting courage by the fact that the other was not getting defensive. “And it’s such a pretty smile…” He leaned close and closer, a breath away from a kiss that he seemed to desire for at least the last hour. And then Shou stopped as his eyes met Hiroto’s, two brown and stressed orbs looking nervously back at him, with their shine being washed away from anxiety.

“It’s time to go…” the blond whispered, making the ground shake under Shou’s legs. So, he was mistaken in the end…

“Goodnight Pon…” Shou pulled back, trying to hide a hue of disappointment from his face. “It was nice meeting you, really…” Even if it lasted for a few hours. Oh well, at least he lived the moment of it! Crazy or not, it was an experience. He bowed softly with a sweet goodnight, turning his back quickly and moving, almost running away. It hurt a little, the fact that he would love to see him again, to eat or watch a movie with him, to learn even the smallest details about him, his secrets. He shouldn’t be that soft and romantic, he knew that more than well. That’s why his mind was getting in a long procession of putting that night in a box somewhere at the back of his mind, letting it live as just a memory and nothing more… And it was a shame, because it had been a long time since he felt excited with someone…


An echo almost as faint as the wind travelled softly between them. It was a borrowed name but still Shou stopped on his trails, thinking a few moments before he turned to find the shorter figure in the dark.


Hiroto gulped, grinning softly as his sound tickled the others’ eardrums again in a really pleasant way, formed in sounds so delightful.

“Are you free on Friday?”

Small jolts of hope, electroducing his body inch by inch and nerve by nerve, feeling more alive than ever before.

“I might be…” Shou grinned back and moved closer. “Give me your phone…”

The boy obeyed, handing him the object and listening the small beeping sounds as Shou typed something and gave it back to him.

“That’s my phone number, call me!”

There was no need for more words. They both walked away in search for their cars, their smiles showing their satisfaction. There might be some hope in the end, Shou thought. Maybe it was fate that those two met, who knew… He grinned to himself but he paused right before he would open his car, remembering something else. Or better, someone else…

Oh bummer. He just hoped that Tora’s punches wouldn’t hurt too much the next day…


A/N: I promissed to be accurate, so here I am! 8D I was visiting my bf  yesterday, so i postponed it for today... :3 So, in this one we see more about how that crazy date is going for those two... I hope you enjoy it guy as much as I enjoyed writing it! xD Silly Shou starts to be on favor, along with clumsy Saga and stupid Tora xD
Comments are always apreciated :3

shou x hiroto, tora x saga

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