perhaps this post will seem pointless, but this is a truly momentous occasion. today i was given an old shelf, and now i've whittled down my record collection to fit on said shelf.
Hotdang! How long do you reckon you'll keep it all on the shelves before you overflow into crates again?
Any ole way, fine work getting organized. Today I finished my vest! We are so. . .cool. Yeah! We are cool, said with gusto. Lunch Tuesday or Friday? Your choice. And I'm still on for Daytona. We'll have to figure out transportation.
Oh! And my brother whole-heartedly approves of the name Locomotive Hootenanny Television. We really need to collect Drew somehow-someway and get together to design a t-shirt. After that, we'll start thinking about the music.
A call around 10 should be fine, although I may sound groggy. I've been waking up close to 10 lately, which is awful! But 2 a.m. just sneaks up on me every night, and woe. What I'm saying is, yes, holla at me in the morning.
Invite Drew, why not? We can discuss how he's dealing with his sudden and unknowingly begotten affliction: the HIV.
i'll invite drew via myspace. he's such a fun, HIV-carrying lad!
so far, it's you and me. jesse said he'd go, but i'm not sure if he asked for the day off work. amanda and emma are maybes. amy is probably going to be a hermit saturday (pffftttt). jason was a maybe last i heard, and eric gave no response (pssshhhh). as for bob, he's planning to be too hungover (amateur).
Comments 21
p.s. hang in there, beautiful.
Any ole way, fine work getting organized. Today I finished my vest! We are so. . .cool. Yeah! We are cool, said with gusto. Lunch Tuesday or Friday? Your choice. And I'm still on for Daytona. We'll have to figure out transportation.
Oh! And my brother whole-heartedly approves of the name Locomotive Hootenanny Television. We really need to collect Drew somehow-someway and get together to design a t-shirt. After that, we'll start thinking about the music.
i just saw your LJ entry and i am so impressed. your first sewing attempt and you made THAT. holy crap.
hmmm, lunch tomorrow sounds good! should i call you around 10 or so tomorrow so we can figure out where to meet?
it works out really well that drew is an artist. he can design the shirt! perhaps i should invite him to the photography thing on saturday?
Invite Drew, why not? We can discuss how he's dealing with his sudden and unknowingly begotten affliction: the HIV.
Who else is coming on Saturday, anyway?
i'll invite drew via myspace. he's such a fun, HIV-carrying lad!
so far, it's you and me. jesse said he'd go, but i'm not sure if he asked for the day off work. amanda and emma are maybes. amy is probably going to be a hermit saturday (pffftttt). jason was a maybe last i heard, and eric gave no response (pssshhhh). as for bob, he's planning to be too hungover (amateur).
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