[Good morning, Luceti. A nice day isn't it? A bit nippy, though. It's a good day to go picking up some clothing more suitable for the cooling weather. Though those who go into the clothing store this morning for just that purpose might get a rather awkward surprise if they choose to rummage through that pile of very nice winter jackets.
Namely, a teenage boy dozing beneath them, topless and clad only in the thin white pants of a new feather. He might seem a bit familiar to some, if a tad different with his now short hair fluffed all over rather then the long braid he wore his hair in previously. And... is that red at the corner of his eyes?
Feel free to wake him up, he won't much mind.
Later, after he is awake and aware of where he is, he finally manages to locate his journal, likewise buried in a pile of clothing, as well as his
clothes and weapon.]
Hello? Can someone tell me how long it has been since my departure.....? Last I remember It had been shortly after Halloween.....