Judgement Day

Mar 23, 2009 07:37

Intro: Secrets & Whispers. The fifth in a series of Baltar/Gaeta missing scenes fics. These stories may be read together or as stand-alone oneshots.
Chapters: 1. Devotion to Good, 2. Return from Kobol, 3. After the Election, 4. The First Intern, 5. Judgement Day, 6. A Walk at Midnight, 7. Awaiting the Verdict, 8. Voices in the Mind. 9. Last  ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

kappamaki33 March 23 2009, 22:02:24 UTC
Ooh, the first meeting of Caprica Six and Felix! I really like how you had Felix put all the pieces into place concerning Baltar's involvement with the Cylons, and especially Baltar feeling wounded that Felix had suspected him...even though those suspicions were spot-on. It's just so Baltar. It's also great to see Boomer here; I'd never thought much about how she'd react to seeing people she knew from her old life but this makes so much sense, that she'd try to reassure her old Triad buddies that everything would be all right.

I eagerly await the next installment!


falafel_musings March 24 2009, 17:55:26 UTC
Thanks! Baltar does have this funny little habit of getting really offended over people accusing him of things he IS guilty of. I think it is mostly because he doesn't intend for such terrible consequences to come out of his mistakes.

Aww, memories of Triad games before everything went to hell.

Looking forward to YOUR next installment too! Can I friend you?


kappamaki33 March 24 2009, 19:49:39 UTC
Sure, you can friend me! I'll friend you back, as soon as I figure out how to do that...

Hopefully the next installment will be soon, but life is getting in the way of all my fun as of late. Frakkin' exams.


cylune9 March 23 2009, 23:03:22 UTC
Oh, this is great. Loved seeing Gaius being so needy toward Felix (it used to be the other way around) and Felix figuring out Baltar's role in the destruction of the colonies. This is something that always bothered me, that Gaeta never confronted Baltar about knowing Caprica Six. Oh, I love those missing scenes! New Caprica is such a great setting for filling in the canon holes.

It's great to see Felix becoming so gradually delusioned. His "Zarek is right" was chilling knowing how it all ends...


falafel_musings March 24 2009, 18:01:40 UTC
Thanks Lune! I think Gaius does seem quite needy with Felix at times in S3. I imagine having all that hero-worship taken away and replaced with a seething disappointment was a blow to his ego.

As lls_mutant has made clear in her fic, Gaeta and Zarek must have had a relationship on New Caprica (as CoS and VP for the Government). Zarek is consistent in his policies and I thought it would be good to foreshadow Gaeta's alligence to him.


millari March 23 2009, 23:15:26 UTC
Gaius had tasted his own tears as those words fell from his lips, like missiles released from a Raptor. The cylons before his desk smiled at his submission, drinking in their victory with a cool composure.
This is a good description of the Cylons' expression in that scene. Doral especially, who looks really smug. I've sort of always wondered if he also enjoyed humiliating Gaius as payback for screwing up his plans to keep infiltrating the Fleet in the Miniseries.

Now she had found him out. She had come for him like a vengeful angel, a harbinger of all his failings - his weak leadership of this new colony, his stupidity in trading arms with one of her model and the darkest secret of his shame known only to this Number Six; the secret of the access codes that had opened the door to humanities destruction. His Caprica-Six had returned and she had brought with her the memory of all his direst sins.Yeah, this pretty much sums up Gaius' dark history with Caprica Six, but to have him run down the list in this moment is so heartbreaking. I ( ... )


Part 2 millari March 23 2009, 23:15:52 UTC
“How does she know you?” he asked.

This. THIS. I waited *all series* for this to ever come up between them! Well, actually I knew very well that it would never come up. But a girl can futilely hope... I loved how you played this out between them - Gaius' denials, Felix's accusations growing in magnitude with each one uttered. I can hear the tone of his voice there - a mixture of disgust and disbelief, plus a quiet dose of self-blame for not having put the pieces together earlier when it might have done more good.

“Do you love her, Gaius?” Felix asked him at last, his voice very quiet now. “The Six was looking at you liked she was in love with you, so I’m guessing you must have loved her. Or did you just say that you loved her so you could frak her?”Oh, this is so painful, because you just know that in the last line, Felix is thinking about his own relationship with Gaius. And you follow that idea up with the way Felix says, "He's all yours." Very cool. And I've often thought that Caprica and Felix are sort of similar in the way ( ... )


Re: Part 2 falafel_musings March 24 2009, 18:52:55 UTC
Thanks so much for another epic and insightful review!

Doral especially, who looks really smug. I've sort of always wondered if he also enjoyed humiliating Gaius as payback for screwing up his plans to keep infiltrating the Fleet in the Miniseries. Woah, excellent catch! I hadn't thought of that, but when I will rewatch I'll totally be thinking of that moment as Doral bitchslapping Gaius. Yes, I agree that it is shame rather than guilt that eats away at Gaius. In a sense he shouldn't feel guilty because most of his mistakes are unintended. However he should feel ashamed because it is his weakness, arrogance and selfishness that usually leads to these mistakes being made ( ... )


mrine March 24 2009, 07:51:31 UTC
Weepy Gaius! That's the Gaius I know best, the one that used to rival Jack for his watery-eyed moments. And sigh, poor Sharon, when she still thought she could fix things.

I really love the drawn-out messy awkwardness of everyone's emotions in these fill-in-the-blanks chapters of yours. (You do it so well!) It's everything I loved about the Felix/Gaius interactions in the mutiny arc. That line

His heart clenched. It felt like he was being dissected.

in particular, made me realize that what I really like about the pair is when they use each other horribly, when the colder parts of their personalities play off one another. Lol, am I evil or something? (And do I have a dissection... thing?)

Also liked the descriptions of Felix's "tactical little brain" (heehee) and Zarek's last second-to-last stand. Gaeta's compulsion to organize is always amusing, and it's nice to think of Zarek's noble side, now that all's said and done...


falafel_musings March 24 2009, 19:20:07 UTC
Hee, I love weepy Gaius too. It doesn't take much to set him off. In Daybreak he was sobbing in almost every conversation. Poor woobie.

what I really like about the pair is when they use each other horribly, when the colder parts of their personalities play off one another. Lol, am I evil or something?

If you are evil, I'm most definitely evil too!

To be fair, I don't think Zarek really changed very much. From Bastille Day to New Caprica to the Mutiny Zarek has always been prepared to go out in a blaze of glory, fighting for his cause, even if he drags other people down with him.

Thanx for reading!


blue_crow March 24 2009, 17:44:14 UTC
I read this during class yesterday and I'm sorry I didn't comment on it then. I love this series and this one is just so perfect. I love how Felix has been stockpiling all that data (because he's the one who has seen all the pieces, and I'm surprised it never actually came up that he'd figure that much out). That their real breaking point wasn't so much that Gaius was cheating on him, or anything, but because he realized before anyone that Gaius was all to blame. That's so right I'm sort of surprised that they didn't... well, of course they didn't think of it in the show, but...

The line comparing Gaius's tie to a leash was particularly poetic and appropriate.


falafel_musings March 24 2009, 19:23:34 UTC
Thanks for keeping up! I love writing this series too. I just can't seem to get enough of this pairing. And even though I'm adding an explicit sexual layering to Felix/Gaius here, I never wanted the sexuality to be their only defining factor. There are so many other juicy betrayals between these two.


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