His Prettiness Stocking

Nov 16, 2008 09:37

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Boone...God's Frickin Gift to Humanity

When making a Boone stocking, I found myself thinking of him as Janie's Boone more so than Darlton's Boone. It's amazing how one fanfic writer can take a character and discover so much potiential in him. The Boone in this stocking is into liberal politics and anti-war marches. He's a fan of ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

janie_tangerine December 14 2008, 20:37:48 UTC
*restrains herself from running and jumping in that oh-so-alluring bed in the second pic*

OMG MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME INDEED! I LOVE this. I so indeed seriously DO. First of all, I kind of understood what that video was two seconds after it started but I think it was the first and only time I almost cried while listening to Whitney Huston and I love it so thanks for that. Looking at that never hurts!

AND THE PENS. Yeah, that demands capslocking because seriously, the pens. *loves* And that bit of fic you had there was the awesomeness personified. Also, I naturally completely quote everything especially the sex and the afterlife hook-up. And the pics! Oh God the pics. *izded* Thank you so much, this was truly wonderful. ♥ ♥

Also, glad you liked the header! ;)

*cuts the restraints and jumps on the bed*


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:10:19 UTC
*big grin* I'm so pleased by your comment!! Before I posted I had the weird feeling that nobody was going to like these stockings. I felt dorky.

I couldn't resist the Jack/Boone epic romance vid! There is a Charlie/Desmond one somewhere with the same kind of music. I'll give you the link if you're interested!

Penss! Boone's spirit lives on in many many pens.

Happy Christmas!!


blue_sunflowers December 21 2008, 02:23:29 UTC
Dear Heavens is this boy gorgeous. He's the very definition of pretty.


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