Love, gaslighting and serial killers

May 27, 2013 17:06

Long time no LJ entry. I've finally finished my run in The Forsyte Saga and I'm on my school holidays. I've also recently finished my Dexter marathon in good time for the final season. Well, I skipped Dexter S6 on strong recommendation from fans who suffered through it. I didn't want to be tempted to jump ship.

Dexter S7 Thoughts: So the Dexter writers are Breaking Bad fans, right? )

dexter, breaking bad, movies

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Comments 2

cylune9 May 28 2013, 22:19:23 UTC
It's the Hannah influence which makes me lose sympathy for Dexter for the first time.

Completely agree with everything you said about season 7, especially the Hanna thing. It made me lose sympathy for Dexter too!

What if Harry did seek advice on Dexter's mental health from a professional and this Dr. Vogel manipulated Harry so she could conduct her own psychological experiment with Dexter?

whoa. I think I like that... That would really bring the story full circle!!

Sightseers looks weird! I could give it a try...

ETA: where is this 'she knows' clip coming from? I don't remember it...


falafel_musings May 29 2013, 09:30:08 UTC
The 'She knows!' scene is from S1 when Angel is in the hospital after Brian stabbed him. A nurse says something about how they have had to loan some of the hospital beds to mental patients. So there's a crazy guy repeating "She knows!" over and over in the bed next to Angel. I remember this scene because I always thought it was going to be some sort of clue. In the end nothing came of it. But I saw one fan speculating on 'Dexter Daily' that if the show is gonna come full circle then the "She knows!" thing could be an early reference to Dr Vogel. Even if it's just a retcon it'd be really cool. :)

You seem really busy at the moment (more marathons? *smiles*) but have you watched anymore SFU? I've been planning to post more thoughts on the final season but I'm being careful not to spoil you.


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