It's THAT MEME! Yay! The one everyone's doing where you draw yourself in highschool! Sorry if you get this twice, I'm posting it on
fakepaperclip so it's public for the meme, and on
ameinias because
ameinias is ALL ABOUT ME. Lots of people did not only their highschool self but also either their current self or their university self, I went a step further and did my grade school self as well, because I have ALWAYS BEEN a colossal fashion disaster, and also I'm obsessed with myself. Hurray!
Some notes for the out-of-towners: the bag there says "LCBO", which is Liquor Control Board of Ontario, the only place you can buy booze besides the aptly named "the Beer Store". I thought it was totally hardcore looking but wouldn't admit that that was the reason I used it. I also used this archaic laptop bag from the 80s, from when laptops were freaking humongous, although it was incredibablly impractical. I actually was sort of an alchie at 13, though. I was MESSED UP YO.
sorry my handwriting is so awful.
True story: I thought those socks on my hands were the total height of elegance. And I thought that heinous, hideous leather jacket was super hardcore. I'm 22 and any day now all my damn hair is going to fall out.