Title: A Struggle For the Presidency
Characters: Jon Stewart and "Stephen Colbert", at least for this chapter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A few curses?
Summary: This is the story of Jon Stewart, senator of New York, and Stephen Colbert, senator of South Carolina and their challenging journey to change the world: By being the first Democrat-Republican
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Comments 2
I really like how you portray Stephen here. He's lashing out at Jon and pushing him away when in reality all he wants is for Jon to bring him on board.
Jon smiled nervously and said, “Stephen Colbert, will you make me the happiest man alive and...be my vice president?”
So much self-inflicted drama about Jon's dream-stealing versus Jon's worthiness for the job, too. It doesn't seem like Jon was thinking much about political feasibility by the end, just about how to make Stephen happy again. Which is at once sweet (going down on one knee, even!) and terrifying :D
Looking forward to more!
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