The Daleks are Coming pt 2

May 19, 2009 15:45

Well the Daleks came and so did the Cybermen and the Ood. There were lots of people at the local library for the event and we were glad that we got there early ( Read more... )

library, tardis, dr who

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Comments 13

silver_trails May 19 2009, 16:56:49 UTC
Sounds like lots of fun, dear! :)

Thanks for sharing the pics. I can imagine why some of the children would be scared. (g)


faithsdiary May 20 2009, 09:24:49 UTC
Yep they certainly were and it was alot of fun. :)


sazzra May 19 2009, 17:10:23 UTC
Nice pics, stupid photo(sick)bucket! If you can get to Milton Keynes for the weekend beginning 5th June, there's a free convention there which always has random Daleks running around. Best thing ever involved a friend and Barney the Purple Dalek - she's terrified of the things and had been hiding all weekend. We're browsing some of the dealer tables and she made a sarcastic comment, I told her to behave or I'd make Barney talk to her. We turn round to see this life size purple Dalek literally inches from us, and he says in his nice Daleky voice 'Yes, I will talk to you if you're not good'. The memory of seeing a grown woman running on the spot and making very odd 'Meurgh' noises because she was hemmed in still makes me giggle! She's no longer scared of them though, so I guess it worked as aversion therapy!

My Russian professor insisted they were named after the Russian adjective 'Daleko' meaning 'far away', but he was bonkers!

(apologies for rambling :( )


faithsdiary May 20 2009, 09:33:55 UTC
It sounds like fun but unfortunately I have to go see the mil, no prizes for guessing where I's rather be ( ... )


sazzra May 20 2009, 18:55:08 UTC
I'm sure you're right about the Dalek name origin - my professor was bonkers at the best of times and even more so when he was trying to be 'hip'.

Shame you can't make MK - I'll wave at Mr Nimoy for you ;)


faithsdiary May 21 2009, 10:28:22 UTC
Poo!!!! I love Leonard Nimoy, I remember sending to Paramount in 1967 for some photographs or the actors. I have a black and white picture of Spock and Captain Kirk somewhere around here. It took ages for the pictures to arrive and I was so chuffed when they did come. Of course I have no way of knowing if the signatures are real or not, they propably only signed one and then the studio made copies...

I hope you have fun. :)


29crowjane May 19 2009, 18:45:59 UTC
You might want to try Flickr. I've never had any issues with them deleting my photos... and this whole prohibition on images of clothed children in completely inoffensive situations is really creepy. Makes you wonder if the Photobucket mods have certain unsavory turn-ons they don't want others to know about. ;)

My boyfriend would be completely drooling over these, so maybe now PB will delete random old-school Dr Who images. ;)


faithsdiary May 20 2009, 09:37:45 UTC
I really need to sort something out because it irritated me no end that they should discriminate between pictures, the ones with the crowd in the background were perfectly ok but with a small kid (half a kid at that) wasn't ok. For all they know the kid could have been mine and if it was then it's up to me if I want to put pictures up.

Feel free to copy the pictures if you want or I could put the original on a disk and send them to you for John.


29crowjane May 25 2009, 10:23:34 UTC
I will probably attach some pics in my next email to John (I saved a few once you gave your OK). Right now he's so heavily involved in video editing I haven't seen him in a month. PhotoBucket is completely arbitrary about what they'll censor... I have copies of the Siblings photo (Hugo and his brother) there which are left unmolested, but they removed the climactic Grapes pic for showing essentially the same natural wonder. ;)


faithsdiary July 7 2009, 11:25:23 UTC
I've just checked my photobucket account (slow of me I know) and my grapes picture is unmolested so that just shows that they aren't even very consistant with their stuff. The pictures that seem to have been knocked out are those with a bum showing!


tringa May 20 2009, 12:14:37 UTC
So there were no actual Doctor Whos around for your viewing/touching pleasure? ;P


faithsdiary May 21 2009, 10:30:04 UTC
Nope, but the place was crowded all the same. I don't think that the Dr would come to a grotty little town like mine!


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