Marvel Shorts: Iron Will & A Fighting Woman’s Love

Feb 22, 2013 18:20

Iron Will
By paburke
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Iron Man
Rating: teen for language
Summary:( Faith and Tony have a lot in common. Right now, they’re both hurt. )

btvs, marvelcomics, crossover, author:paburke, short

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Comments 3

nyx_girl February 22 2013, 23:46:33 UTC
Loved both of them!


faithburke February 22 2013, 23:50:35 UTC
:) thanks for letting me know.


tinpra February 23 2013, 02:31:23 UTC
Lovely shorts! I'd like to see more of the first one, if there ever is any. Pepper's reaction to the whole thing...Tony's predicament, Slayer Inc., etc., would be great I'm sure. I also dig protective Buffy.


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