Fic: Grief Therapy

Nov 23, 2011 16:51

Grief Therapy
By PaBurke

Summary:  After Buffy died in ‘The Gift’, Giles went back to England.  An odd group helped him mourn with strangely humorous results. A BtVS/HL/Indiana Jones/Pretender/SG1/Lara Croft Cross.

Challenge:  My Beta needs shot, or better yet, tarred and feathered.  She challenged me to write a medium sized story with a decent plot ( Read more... )

highlander, crossover, author:paburke, indiana jones, pretender, sg1, btvs, pg

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Comments 2

lita_of_jupiter November 24 2011, 21:58:56 UTC
heheh how much do I love you? Very very much!!!


faithburke November 25 2011, 01:03:18 UTC
welcome. glad u still enjoy it


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